Monday, July 2, 2007


Read the following nonsense from one of the Tri-Axis controlled puppet papers, the rag Derbyshire Evening Telegraph. A Red, White and Blue festival is about as riotous as a Womans Institute meeting. Any way, read their rubbish for yourself.

A Campaign has been launched in a Derbyshire village to stop a British National Party festival which is expected to attract thousands of the group's supporters. RWB, or Red, White and Blue, is scheduled to take place on the weekend of August 4 and 5 in Denby but people living near the Codnor Denby Lane site fear the event could cause havoc.

RWB is an annual event, which had, for the past four years, been held in Lancashire.
This year, it is scheduled to be held on 20 acres of land belonging Heanor and Loscoe parish councillor Alan Warner. Mr Warner defected to the BNP from the Conservative Party after being an Amber Valley borough councillor from 2002 to 2004. He was the first BNP candidate to take a seat in Derbyshire when he was appointed to Denby Parish Council after an uncontested election earlier this year. He said the festival would be entirely self-contained, with 60 BNP security guards to prevent people from getting too drunk or taking drugs.

Mr Warner said, "Previous events have been attended by 3,000 people but it might not be that many this time. There will be 30 toilets on the site and if people cause trouble I have told the organisers that I will call the police and they won't be able to hold the festival here again. I'm surprised at the reaction of people in the area. They are acting like thousands of Nazis are about descend on them. The BNP are not Nazis."

The BNP's national press officer, Dr Phil Edwards, said that the festival was held as "a celebration of the culture of white Europeans".

The paper commented:
"The unease felt by the people of Denby at the prospect of having a British National Party festival in the village next month is entirely justified. Talk of as many as 10,000 people attending may be exaggerated, but even if it was a tenth of that figure there would still be concern and opposition. It is naive simply to argue that the BNP is not an illegal organisation and therefore should be allowed to go ahead with its plans. You do not have to be an in-depth political analyst to understand the emotions which this party provokes among its opponents.

Parish councillor Alan Warner, a BNP member on whose land the festival is proposed, says of the Denby folk who have expressed worries:

"They are
acting like thousands of Nazis are about descend on them. The BNP are not Nazis." No, but the party's stance on race is nevertheless guaranteed to provoke resentment and the prospect of a show of opposition which has the potential of turning ugly. BNP national spokesman Dr Phil Edwards said the festival was "a celebration of the culture of white Europeans". That is about as provocative and insensitive as knighting Salman Rushdie.

Opposites attract. If this festival goes ahead, some kind of counter-demonstration can virtually be guaranteed. Extra police will be needed and tensions will be running high. And Derbyshire can manage perfectly well without that on its political horizon, thanks very much."

So it appears we can have Gay Rights marches and hold festivals for Muslims, Hidus and Sikhs. And Derby recently hosted an event to raise awareness of "Black Culture" but God forbid we promote "White European" culture! Why not leave a comment when you check the article out.

Hat Tip: The Derby Gripe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You left one out

You can't have marches remembering the merchant seamen who perished in the convoys keeping us fed in the last war either. Well, not in this neck of the woods anyway.

But they don't BAN it. They merely demand thousands of pounds to carry out a 'security audit'.

Which I bet they didn't charge the guy who organised the gay pride march in london on sunday. Now I don't give a damn if a bunch of proud gay men and woman want to strut their stuff down the street. But if they can do it in the middle of a terror threat free of charge while old soldiers and the like have to pay first, then something is wrotten in the state of eurabia.