Friday, July 13, 2007

Shambo - Is this his last weekend?

Shambo - Cute but still a killer

It looks as though the Shambo saga may be approaching the end. But will it be the end of Shambo? This is from the Skanda Vale hotel for Sacred Bulls.

In the Cardiff High Court today, a judicial review was heard which will decide the future of Shambo. The Judge was fair to both parties, allowing each to express their case fully. Having heard all the evidence the Judge will take the weekend to consider and will announce his verdict on Monday at 11.00 am. In his summing up the Judge commented that Skanda Vale had a strong case for saving the life of Shambo but he also recognised the strength of the Welsh Assembly Government’s position. We trust that the Judge will reflect deeply on the sanctity of life.

Will the Welsh Assembly cave in to threats from the white wannabe Hindus who say they will prevent the slaughter of the cute but killer cow or will they safeguard the health of the Welsh people by making him past tense? Roll on Monday afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Maps for you to note:

Fidothedog said...

Everytime I see Shambo it makes me fancy a nice steak, and when the "god " is put down I shall be going out for one.

The Green Arrow said...

Well thanks for that fido. I just sprayed a mouthful of beer over my monitor laughing.

The Green Arrow said...

anon thanks for that will update the post which already shows the top map.

Anonymous said...

Leviticus 11:3. Whatsoever hath the hoof divided, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, you shall eat.

If you're still up for that little jolly next weekend there's a plate laden with disease-free organic welsh beef, served with all the trimmings that show what cattle are REALLY for (sunday lunch) with your name on it at 'PastaPaulos'. To be washed down with something at least 4% ABV.

Anonymous said...

Cull the Shambo worshippers, and get back to the TB eradication program.

Enough of this praying to bullocks bollocks.


Anonymous said...

Look closely at the photo of poor old Shambles . Theres a red spot right in the middle of his forehead . This is where the humane killer should be applied next week .

The Green Arrow said...

Celtic, why do you get to say the things I wish to say but cannot?

Hope all is well old friend?

Anonymous said...

Shambo should live. This subject is bigger than him. The tests for TB are totally inadequate, everyone knows that now. We don't appear to have moved on since the Foot and Mouth disgrace.

The Welsh Assembly should be forced to up their game, all they have to do is show a little backbone. The repercussions could result in a change in the law regarding the testing and treatment of diseases, and less farmers will lose their livelihood.

I'm sure the EU are rubbing their hands with glee at another chance to humiliate the UK and show us who's boss. I've had enough. This is a chance for Wales to lead using good ol' British common sense, something we seem to have mislaid ('cos we just love getting whipped?).

Anonymous said...

Englishwoman said that "the subject is bigger than him." It certainly is. The subject is wether the law of the land applies to all- or wether minority groups can flout it to fit in with their own ideologies or customs.If the system of treatment for tb in animals needs to be reviewed then now is not the time to change it for it would show that the law of the land does NOT apply to all . But we already know that anyway by the many examples of preferential treatment given to immigrants,political groups and wealthy businessmen to name just a few .