Wednesday, July 11, 2007

MPACUK - Thicker than clotted cream

I have just been watching Asghar Bukhari (left,left), the self appointed spokesman for the Muslim Public Affairs Committee make a complete ass of himself on Sky News. Attacking Salmon Rushdie, he quickly lost the plot completely as he proceeded to try and shout down everyone else.

I must confess I was rolling around on the floor in stitches watching him foam at the mouth and scream like a stuck pig. I just hope someone taped it. The BNP welcomes these hysterical outbursts as they reveal the true face of moderate Islam.

Of course the serious side to this was that no news site has bothered to explain why the Moslems hate Rushdie so much. Sure they say it is because of his boring book, The Satanic Verses but none of them explain the importance of these verses in destroying the myth of Islam as a true religion. In fact, they reveal Mohammed either a liar or tool of the Devil.

You can read the meaning here.

The British National Party (BNP) would ensure that the true meaning of the Satanic Verses be passed on to the British public.


Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Naji this is another front page post, do you have your own web site.

You should have. My hat off to you.

Anonymous said...

Also they still dont realise someone is posting under a pigs name ha ha ha ha ha and has done so for months.