Thursday, July 19, 2007

Honour? What do these creatures know of honour.

I warn you that the following does not make for pleasant reading. When you realise that the terrible acts of depravity carried out on a 20 year old young woman were ordered by her own father and uncle, you will realise why some people will question whether the killers are even human.

When Banaz Mahmod started a relationship with a person her family felt were unsuitable, it was effectively signing her own death warrant.

Secret taped prison recordings revealed that her killers had laughed as they raped and tortured her before one of the murdering gang slowly strangled her to death whilst another stamped on her neck to "force out her soul". All in the name of honour.

During the trial of her killers, it was revealed that Miss Mahmod had approached police on four separate occasions saying she feared for her life. She also reported a previous attempt on her life by her uncle but no action had been taken.

The officer who had dealt with her previous complaints said that he believed her to be an attention seeker.

Two of her killers have now fled to Iraq. How strange that the country that they supposedly fled from in terror to come here as refugees is now their sanctuary.

Wake up Britain. Do you really think people like these are really enriching Our Country. It really is time now to get off the fence and support the British National Party. Being a member of the BNP is a duty of every True Brit in these bad times.


Anonymous said...

These primitive savages have been welcomed into our country by the thousands, encouraged to come and live among civilised people by the very government who spent so much parliamentary time in forcing through a ban on .....foxhunting !!! And the Conservative leader Dave Ca Moron told an audience of asians recently that we have much to learn from them !!!Personaly I have no wish to learn how to bludgeon a female to death or how to make car bombs or suicide belts ,or how to turn human flesh into kebabs and I also dont need to be told by our own politicians that we have anything to celebrate by having these barbarians in our midst. Hopefully the leadership of Ca moron will lead to the Conservative party finally imploding,maybe we will then see the more politicaly aware members rush to join the BNP , but dont bet on it . Meanwhile , we are faced with,at least,a further five years of Labour control,whenever Brown decides to call an election and once more decimate the weak ,ailing and terminally ill Conservatives.By then the hands will probably be pointing to two minutes to midnight for all who hold dear the future of this country.It seems that things will need to get much worse before we can hope for them to get better .

Anonymous said...

"Two of the killers have since fled to Iraq."!!! And I thought it was "too dangerous" to send people back to that country! Time to wake up . Send the whole bloody lot back ASAP.

The Green Arrow said...

Hi Celtic, as usual you are right. I do not know WHAT it will take to alert our fellow citizens.

I know Sedgefield was a decent result but we have to move forward faster. We do not have the luxury of time.

Take care.

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

I cut and posted the story out of the papers last night and sent it to all non nationalists on my e-mail list. The way they describe it taking ages for life to leave her body, shows them in all their brutal, glory. These pigs need chucked out of our country. Now. And with the Sedgefield result we need to start upping the anti for the sakes of our children. I Will Not Bring My Children Up In an Islamic Shithole

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

I cut and posted the story out of the papers last night and sent it to all non nationalists on my e-mail list. The way they describe it taking ages for life to leave her body, shows them in all their brutal, glory. These pigs need chucked out of our country. Now. And with the Sedgefield result we need to start upping the anti for the sakes of our children. I Will Not Bring My Children Up In an Islamic Shithole