Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Villagers braced for Nazi riot

I bet some of those Nazi's are really big by now

The hilarious Blank Information Link is predicting a riot at the British National Party's Red White and Blue festival to be held this coming weekend (4th and 5th August).

And if you watched the video in a previous post you can understand why these big, rough tough talking, dope taking cretins would fear it.

Some of those BNP kids running around the Maypole look really rough and if the other children are incited to violence by the Punch and Judy show they are really going to go on the rampage.

Using an image taking several years ago and wheeled out on a regular basis to be used at different times to portray either BNP supporters, National Front guys, Socialist Workers Party activists, Green Peace or teletubbies they attempt to portray the real True Brits of Our Country in a bad light.

But these sad, wannabe, bad idiots are going to look very foolish next week, when the images of the RWB are shown across the world. But what can you expect from people who like to shoot each other for no other reason then being asked to put a cigarette out?


Anonymous said...

The Daily Mail went all pious last week (again) and showed all the photo's of murdered inner city young people. Of the nine, seven were black, all killed presumably by their own kind in their own "hoods".
Its a backward tribal culture no matter how many exclusive organisations and czars they need to try to drag them into a Western way of life.
Its lovelty to see happy white youngsters having a good time in traditional family units, the rest of the world can watch it too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe to redress the balance we can have a black only paintball family fest. Just replace the paintballs to Browning 9mm pistols, as they are more used to using them and more accurate. Rather than playing capture the enemies flag or base they could play grab the case full of smack or rape the white bitch, or even hijack a car stab a pensioner, mug a school kid and then run off and shout racism when the police arrive.
I think the Glasgow team will do well as they have been out practising just last week.

Then we can play how much heroin I can stuff in my Nigerian bird and smuggle her complete with stomach cramps past customs at Heathrow. Then a couple hours of pimp the bitch, the team raising the most money wins.

I think its only fair to have a similar day for blacks if the BNP monsters are allowed their day in the sun.
We do after all live in a society striving for equality, so perhaps at 13 all white kids should get basic weapon training and their own 9mm, just for the sake of equality.


Anonymous said...

Maybe to redress the balance we can have a black only paintball family fest. Just replace the paintballs to Browning 9mm pistols, as they are more used to using them and more accurate. Rather than playing capture the enemies flag or base they could play grab the case full of smack or rape the white bitch, or even hijack a car stab a pensioner, mug a school kid and then run off and shout racism when the police arrive.
I think the Glasgow team will do well as they have been out practising just last week.

Then we can play how much heroin I can stuff in my Nigerian bird and smuggle her complete with stomach cramps past customs at Heathrow. Then a couple hours of pimp the bitch, the team raising the most money wins.

I think its only fair to have a similar day for blacks if the BNP monsters are allowed their day in the sun.
We do after all live in a society striving for equality, so perhaps at 13 all white kids should get basic weapon training and their own 9mm, just for the sake of equality.


Anonymous said...

What a BLINKing laugh! I mean it! I havent laughed so much in ages. they should get a comedy award for that report.

Ive been to the last 4 RWBs not a hint of trouble.

Are they sure they havent got their wires crossed at BLINK, the Notting Hill carnival is a few weeks later and there is always a riot there

Anonymous said...

The Black Information Link?...is that for info on how and where to mug and rape white people, create ghettos where their own young people shoot each other on a daily basis?. how dare they imply that celebrating white european history is a potentially volatile event- you wont find guns or "gangstas" slapping their "bitches" while dealing drugs. I take it that is why they are so against it.

Anonymous said...

Anon you amaze me, have you found a black family?
I thought the were all single babymuthas or babyfathas. It'd be interesting to see a "family".