Sunday, July 8, 2007

Blood Rock - A lesson from history

Knights of Malta

You must go and read this article in the Daily Mail about the Siege of Malta during its defence against the Cult of the Dead Paedophile. Gripping, inspiring stuff. Were that our current Christian Leaders were made of the same stuff as the Knights of St John.

Here is the Link.

You want to know if there are men like that still about? Men prepared to fight for what is right. Men prepared to risk all for others. You know there are. You know who they are. Join them. Join the BNP and be a member of Our Country's only real patriotic party. The British National Party.


Anonymous said...

Good story. What a shame the mail speaks in parables instead of leading the way.
Nothing controversial gets through the comments section. The mods are utterly PC.
Maybe they've been threatened by those two kebab shop dwellers that make up mighty MPACUK?

Anonymous said...

Disgusting story on MPACUK about how Glasgows rallying behind the Religion of Hurt Feelings.
Poor John Smeaton must wonder why he risked his life if his countrymen are so easily won over.

Anonymous said...

Posted by: Tam, UK on 11:47am today

Tom[/bold] wrote: Rather cynical but a very good point Mike, I didn't think of it from the "spin off" angle, now that I do, there might just be a point in "keeping" it in Scoltand, can you imagine the gravy in this boat[/quote]

TAM said;
If they do it in Scotland Osama Saeed will just tell Wee Eck to let him go. This was a peaceful bombing mission rudely interrupted by the Kaffir Smeaton and his heavy handed tactics. The hurt feelings must have broken the Rageometer Alex keeps in his office for such an eventuality.
Tom wrote:
Rather cynical but a very good point Mike, I didn't think of it from the "spin off" angle, now that I do, there might just be a point in "keeping" it in Scoltand, can you imagine the gravy in this boat"

If they do it in Scotland Osama Saeed will just tell Wee Eck to let him go. This was a peaceful bombing mission rudely interrupted by the Kaffir Smeaton and his heavy handed tactics.
The hurt feelings must have broken the Rageometer Alex keeps in his office for such an eventuality.Quote | Report

From the Herald site' they're fighting already about the burning muzzie standing trial in England, note the reference to a "gravy boat" for the trial by Tom, the Tam one has it bang on, but they'll delete him no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Green arrow.

Sorry I have never some round to speaking to you. I have got an idea. Send me an email. Its on Gareth’s forum.


Anonymous said...

Hi just a quick note,
I found 7 trojans on my computer c/o AOL and my computer is completely messed up.
I am in process of getting it fixed.
I have surgery on Thursday and will try to get back to normal asap.
Take care and speak to you soon.
Rose x

Anonymous said...

Just replying to your comment on Cry for freedom,
I totally agree with you and I would love to see him hung for treason
Take care x