Friday, August 21, 2009

Pwy ydy’r Cenedlaetholwyr GWIRIOL? BNP (Plaid Genedlaethol Brydeinig) neu Plaid “Cymru”?


BNP- Yn stopio mewnbudiaeth mas fel mudiad rhydd llafur a chapital, adfer mewnbudwyr angyfreithlon ac economaidd i’u gwledydd eu hun. Fel i gymunedion cenhedlig, os maen nhw moyn i adfer eu hun i’u gwledydd, rhoddir grant iddyn nhw o’r llywodraeth. Golygir hwn felly i’r Cymry (neu Brydeinwyr) beidio â dechrau leiafrif yn eu gwlad eu hun a dim codiad llafur rhad, diweithdra a didoliad yna.

Plaid Cymru- Yn hapus eithaf i gael mwy a mwy o fewnbudwyr am fod e’n cefnogi’r economi ac yn helpu Cymru ddechrau’n fwy “oddefgar” a “chefnogi” diwylliant Cymreig. Mae mewnbudwyr i gyd yn “Gymreig” os cân nhw ddinesydd. Os dych chi’n Affricanaidd, Asianaidd neu Ddwyrain Ewropeaidd a does dim cefndir Cymreig gyda chi, felly “Cymro” dych chi ers hynny nad oes Cymraeg neu Saesneg fel iaith gyntaf.


BNP- Yn caniatáu Seision, Cymry, yr Albanwyr a Gwyddyl gwyn yn unig am ddechreuodd y pobl hwn Brydain Mawr, felly byddai’n debyg yn iawn i’r pobl y disgyniadau yma ymuno â’r blaid. Beth bynnag, mae’r BNP deall bod pobl cenhedlig yna sydd â chreodau Cenedlaetholgar hefyd, a does dim problem gyda fe i weithio â nhw

Plaid Cymru- Yn rhoi aelodaeth i fewnbudwyr i gyd heb ofal i’u cenedl fel nawr, mae Aelod Pacistanaidd y Cynulliad gyda fe sydd ddim â chefndir yng Nghymru o gwbl! Wrdw ydy ef a daeth ef i Gymru fel myfyriwr yn unig ac wedyn, rhoddon nhw aeolodaeth iddo fe.


BNP- Yn bwrw fe ymaith am fod e’n achosi didoliad cenhedlig ac yn distrywio unfathiant Cymru (neu Brydain). Mae’r BNP moyn cefnogi diwylliantoedd Prydain er mwyn ddysgu pawb am y syniad i fod yn Brydeinig ac yn credu bod diwyllinantoedd eraill i gyd yn fwy well yn eu gwledydd eu hun. Mae Prydain yn seciwlar, Cristion a Phagan nid Islamaidd ac mae’r BNP yn dymuno i’w gadw fe fel hynny. Hefyd, mae’r BNP yn cenfogi’r iaith Gymraeg ac yn credu y dylai Dydd Gŵyl Dewi fod yn ŵyl banc.

Plaid Cymru- Yn meddwl mai’r ffordd gwell ydy amlddiwyllanoliaeth er mwyn newid Cymru i mewn i le “gwell” i bobloedd i gyd. Fel ydys wedi gweld, cymerodd Aelod Pacistanaidd y Cymulliad ran mewn ymdaith Islamaidd yng Nghasnewydd ers hynny nad oes Cymry sy’n ymarfer Islam na dyn nhw ddim moyn ef yn eu gwlad.

Undeb Ewropeaidd

BNP- Yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn llwyr felly i’r Prydeinwyr gael eu llywodraeth eu hun i benderfynu pa gyfreithiau y dylen nhw gael ac yn gwastraffu fwyaf o’u harian eu hun ar eu heconomi eu hun mwy na llywodraeth uwchystad. Hefyd, mae hwn yn stopio mewnbudiaeth mas a mudiad rhydd llafur. Mae’r Undeb Ewropeaidd yn costio ni dros £45,000,000,000 bob dydd sy’n gadael ni mewn distryw ein diwydiant fel ein diwydiant pysgota ac yn caniatáu mudiad rhydd llafur a chapital.

Plaid Cymru- Yn moyn ymuno â’r Undeb Ewropeaidd er mwyn ddangos mai gwlad “annibynnol” ydy hi ac felly i Gymru gael “gwasanaeth” ariannol. Wrth gwrs, mae economi Cymru yn rhy fach ac felly, costith hi lawer a llawer i fod yn yr Undeb Ewropeaidd.


BNP- Tra bod yn gadael yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn llwyr, caiff Prydain ei phenadurdod ei hun yn San Steffan ond mae’r BNP yn cynllunio i greu Senedd Lloegr ac yn gadael i Gymru gael ei senedd ei hun er mwyn penderfynu am beth i wneud yn eu gwlad eu hun gyda’u llywodraeth eu hun. Yr un i’r Alban, Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, beth bynnag, olygith hwn ddim datganoli llwyr ond golygith hi y caiff y tri gwlad eu llais ac wrth gwrs, mae Cymru yn ddibynnol iawn ar Brydain am bod hi’n talu bilynau o bunnoedd am ei heconomi. Hefyd, mae’r BNP moyn i ddodi’r iaith Gymraeg yn gyntaf yng Nghymru.

Plaid Cymru- Yn edrych ar Brydain fel “bygwth” i’w phenaduriaeth ac ei hiaith hi, ond mae Plaid Cymru moyn ymuno â’r Undeb Ewropeaidd a gymerith ei phenaduriaeth i gyd. Gadawith hynny Gymru cael ei rheoli gan fwrocratiau yn penderfynu beth i wneud yng Nghymru. Bydd yr UE yn caniatáu mewnbudiaeth mas i mewn i’r wlad a dim cefnogaeth i’r iaith Gymraeg. Hefyd, all Cymru ddim bod yn hunanddibynnol am bod Prydain yn talu milynau o bunnoedd am ei heconomi hi a does dim diwydiant yng Nghymru.


BNP- Cenedlaetholdeb-Cenhedlig Democratiaethol. Cenedlaetholdeb Gwiriol!

Plaid Cymru- Sosialaeth Democratiaethol gyda mwgwd Cenedlaetholdeb.


Who are the REAL Nationalists? BNP or Plaid “Cymru” (Party of “Wales”)?


BNP- Stopping mass immigration such as the free movement of labour and capital, repatriating illegal and economic immigrants. As to ethnic minorities, if they want to repatriate themselves, a government grant shall be given to them. This is intended so that the Welsh (or British) do not become a minority in their own country and that there be no rise of cheap labour, unemployment and segregation.

Plaid Cymru- Quite happy to have more and more immigrants because it supports the economy and helps that Wales become more “tolerant” and to “support” Welsh culture. All immigrants are “Welsh” if they get citizenship. If you are African, Asian or Eastern European, and you have no Welsh background, you are therefore “Welsh” even though you do not speak Welsh or English as a first language.


BNP- Allows white English, Welsh, Scots and Irish only for these people founded Great Britain so it would seem right that the people of these descendants join the party. However, the BNP does understand that there are ethnic groups who have Nationalist beliefs as well, henceforth, it has no problem liasing with them.

Plaid Cymru- Gives membership to all immigrants regardless of their ethnicity as now they have a Pakistani Assembly Member who has no background in Wales at all! He is Urdu-speaking and he only came to Wales as a student, and then they gave membership to him!


BNP- Renounces it because it causes ethnic segregation and destruction to Welsh (or British) identity. The BNP wants to support the cultures of Britain in order to teach everyone the ideal to be British and believe that all other cultures are much better in their own countries. Britain is secular, Christian and Pagan not Islamic and the BNP wishes to keep it like that. Also, the BNP supports the Welsh language and believes that Saint David’s should be a bank holiday.

Plaid Cymru - Thinks that multiculturalism is the best way in order to change Wales into a “better” place for all peoples. As one has seen, the Pakistani Assembly Member took part in a march in an Islamic march in Newport even though there are Welsh who practise Islam and they do not want it in their country.

European Union

BNP- Leave the European Union completely, so that the British have their own government to determine what laws that they should have and that they spend most of their own money on their own economy rather than superstate government. Also, this stops mass immigration and the free movement of labour. The European Union cost us over £45,000,000 every day which leaves us in the destruction of our industry such as the fishing industry and the free movement of labour and capital.

Plaid Cymru - Wants to join the European Union to show that it is an “independant” country and so that Wales have financial “help”. Of course, the Welsh economy is too small, and so, it will cost a lot to be in the European Union.


BNP- While completely leaving the European Union, Britain will get its own sovereignty in Westminster but the BNP is planning to create an English parliament and let Wales have its own parliament to determine for what to take place in their own country with their government. The same for Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, however, this will not mean complete devolution but it means that the three countries will have their own voice and of course, Wales is very dependant on Britain for it pays billions of pounds for its economy. Also, the BNP wants to put the Welsh language first in Wales.

Plaid Cymru- Regards Britain as a “threat” to its sovereignty and its language, but Plaid Cymru wants to join the European Union which will takes all its sovereignty. That will leave Wales being controlled by bureaucrats determining what to do in Wales. The EU will be allowing mass immigration and no support to the Welsh language. Also, Wales cannot be self-dependant because Britain pays billions of pounds for its economy and there is no industry in Wales.


BNP- Democratic Ethno-Nationalism. Real Nationalism!

Plaid Cymru- Democratic Socialism with the mask of Nationalism.