Friday, August 28, 2009

Update on Alien Abduction of Moslem

Looking at them just makes me laugh

I have been reliably informed that the Police handling the case of the supposedly abducted Moslem preacher have refused to speak to representatives of the British National Party despite the fact that the area in which the supposed event took place is represnted by BNP councillors.

Now just a few points about the alleged abduction – the man lives on a very busy road and 4x4s don’t have boots – they have hatch-backs that can be clearly seen into.

The part of the forest to which he was allegedly taken wasn’t a remote part but was pretty much the nearest bit to where he lives and adjacent to houses and pubs – loads of strollers, dog walkers etc.

Incidentally the picture above, was taken after the first so-called incident when his house was supposedly fire-bombed (a couple of weeks before he opened his door to two strange white men brandishing knives!!!!!!). Pull the other one fella.

Abdurahman Jafar, chair of the Muslim Safety Forum, which advises the police, also linked the attack on Ramjanally to the BNP campaign.

"The campaign of terror has followed a campaign organized by the BNP whereby they delivered hate literature to locals citing the small Friday prayer sessions as evidence of how 'the Islamification process is almost complete'.

Glad to see the police had time to talk to the Muslim Safety Forum, wonder how many of them are councillors for the area. About time we had a White Defence League.
