Sunday, August 23, 2009

Right that is enough dirty washing done.

I am now closing the comments on the previous two articles. Not because I fear debate but because I wish to go to bed and make an early start writing about the real issues that are affecting Our Country and I will not be around to keep an eye on comments.

Because of this nonsense today, I did not get out two articles about the work of a couple of our councillors in different parts of the country.

Because I felt sick to my stomach at fighting with my brothers I did not get out the important story about Our Soldiers dying overseas.

Now we have washed our dirty linen in public for long enough today and hopefully by doing so it might shame some in the party to stop soiling it.

My position is clear and my colours are nailed to the mast now. I am returning to normal service and advise others to do the same and steer well clear of the Green Arrow, as I have no wish to fire my big guns.

For those of you who wish to continue with any off topic debates, then you are free to do so on the Green Arrow Forum.

I should also point out that I have no animosity towards any of my kinsmen who are just running messages or carrying out orders.

Comments will also be disabled on this note.

Good night BNP.