Thursday, August 27, 2009

So where is Richard Barnbrook LAM BNP

So where is Richard Barnbrook?

In an article I wrote earlier today, entitled Where as Nick Griffin MEP BNP Gone, I asked what I thought was a reasonable question.

Whether the public reply I received from Simon Bennett was reasonable or truthful I will leave you to decide for yourself.

"The Links to Nick, Simon And Richard's blogs were removed for two reasons:

Firstly to speed up the "landing page" - as it was overloaded.

Secondly, because I don't want new visitors immediately navigating away from the main party website so soon after arriving.

Seems to make perfect sense to me.

GA, what's got into you lately? You seem to be on a one-man crusade to rubbish the BNP website and spout all these ridiculous conspiracy theories."

Right we shall have to go through this step by step. My last job as an IT Manager was as the Release Manager for an extremely well known On-line Bank. I have been in IT for over 30 years and so I have a little bit of an idea about how things in the IT world hang together.

The three files you refer to are tiny containing just links. They take no time to load.

Now your assertion that you do not wish "new visitors" navigating away straight after landing is clearly wrong. Research as shown that people visit a site for news and articles first, only when they have finished reading, do they then "look" for links to follow.

But assuming that you were correct in what you say - and you are not - that does not answer my question as to where the link to Richard Barnbrook has gone. Why has it been removed?

Finally I find the last piece of your comment very peculiar.

GA, what's got into you lately? You seem to be on a one-man crusade to rubbish the BNP website and spout all these ridiculous conspiracy theories."

Where have I rubbished the BNP website and where have I spouted ridiculous conspiracy theories?

All I have done is ask questions that many members of the British National Party have been asking and unable to get an answer - or at least a truthful answer.

I refer you to your public comments on Intense Debate with regards to the closing down of the BNP Forum. Which of the many "answers" that you published was the true answer?

Finally, the reason I resigned from the Party was to be free to ask these questions. It is not disloyalty to the party to ask questions or to point out where we have dropped the ball or indeed to point at people who are holding back the growth of the party because they are either incompetent - not a crime - or for reasons of their own.

The times have changed Simon. People now have the means to communicate instantly and believe me they do.
