Monday, July 2, 2007

Swansea by-election 19 July, 2007

One for your collection Councillor Bailey

In the words of Swansea Council, a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Llansamlet Electoral Division due to the resignation of Lawrence Bailey.

The by-election has been called because the former city leader, Labour Councillor Bailey has decided to step down to concentrate on his consultancy business. Hmm, I suppose it makes a change from wishing to spend more time with their family story.

Mind you, according to the Evening Post, Councillor Bailey has had a rather turbulent year. What with the police investigation into images discovered on his council laptop.

It was OK though because no laws were broken - good job he was not in the BNP. He would have been lynched if they had found so much of as an image of Shirley Temple singing On The Good Ship Lollipop.

Not to sure why though, that if no laws were broken, why the case has now been passed onto the Adjudication Panel for Wales.

Well every cloud has a silver lining and this is Swansea's. The British National Party are putting forward a candidate in the shape of a Mr Clive Bennett. We wish him well.

The election takes place on Thursday, July 19. Polls will be open from 7am until 10pm. Voters have until 5pm on Wednesday to register to vote in the by-election.

If you do visit the Evening Post then why not leave a comment expressing your support for Clive and his campaign team and fellow activists.

Oh, if your wondering why there is no Conservative Candidate you are just going to love their excuse.

Conservative group leader on Swansea Council Rene Kinzett admitted: "It was down to a lack of organisation on the part of the Swansea party and we just missed the deadline.
" And they want to form a government?

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.

1 comment:

Aberdeen-Patriot said...

Comment left Green Brill posts again. What a knowledge you have, You Jack Tars must have had a lot of reading time at sea.