Wednesday 12 December 2007

Nick Griffin with a Christmas Reminder


The Green Arrow said...

Like I said in the previous comments. Section all comments relating to the previous few days events are to go in the posts below.

Anything not relating to current subjects posted will be deleted.

For the reds and trolls please use the comments playpen in the previous post.

Say what you like. Unlike the red sites the is a Free Speech Blog.

Anonymous said...

The twilight zone ;
when the BNP get a clap on the back and a plug for their website from Searchlight.
3 impossible things before breakfast.
Its the Real BNP though, not the old one they hated.
On the same site (above) they give details of a female supporter and ideas of how to find and disrupt her party meeting.
The mosque near me is packed this morning. Allah has come through.

The Green Arrow said...

fred I checked that out first thing this morning and visited their link to the RealBNP and have left a comment there.

Who gave Searchlight the shredded bag?

Note to other posters. Comments about this should go in the posts below.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm not a BNP supporter, neither am I troll. Feel free to delete me but Im an interested observer.

No one ever expected the BNP to become the threat they have. I think its a racist bag of toe rags and always has been.
Lately however things changed.

The awful things they said weren't so awful anymore.
Their policies could be found (diluted)on most Centre Right media. Even Jack Straw and John Reid former commies could be persuaded to endorse bile about veils and Muslim threats.

The BNP weren't such a bag of cranks anymore. Journalists picked up bits from their site and used it. Then Griffin and Collett were aquitted in the Free Speech Trial.
They wouldn't have been five years ago.
For that everyone should be a bit grateful.

The unsayable could be said as long as it wasn't coming from the BNP.
They have served the purpose and now its time to smash them again and get rid.
Before they keep winning and the unthinkable happens, that they actually gain real power.

The usual unemployed ne'er do wells looking sheepish in cheap shirts were joined by ballerinas teachers and plastic surgeons.

These were educated people like Griffin himself with debating skills honed at university student societies.They understood politics. They were a real threat to the other politicians. Notice how like a football rabble the breakaways are. They get emotional and spill their guts about how its "their" party. It wasn't anymore.
It was becoming a force to actually fear.

In the long run you'll see this was the only course.
No politician will abandon completely the roar for Britains identity Griffin started because they see it was popular with the people.

A successful party headed by Griffin would have been awesome and terrifying all at once.
In your wildest dreams Green Arrow did you ever think that would happen?
It had to go and Griffen had to go before he had a chance, a big chance of winning.

Anonymous said...

These were educated people like Griffin himself with debating skills honed at university student societies.They understood politics. They were a real threat to the other politicians. Notice how like a football rabble the breakaways are. They get emotional and spill their guts about how its "their" party. It wasn't anymore.
It was becoming a force to actually fear.

Hmmm, that's been mentioned in loyal Griffin circles.

Anonymous said...

The BNP. It had to go! Yes it did.
The question is - who is trying to bring it down?
Who put an internal matter all over the BNP website!!
I don't think the answers to these questions have anything to do with the 'rebels'
There is undoubtedly someone who is working against the BNP
It happened in UKIP when Michael Holmes was overthrown.
But it will someone around Mr Griffin, not those who have tried to clean up the image of the BNP.
Proof. Logic.
If Sadie had wanted to finish the Party she had access to the membership, officers, website etc and never used them.
She could also have called in the police when her house was raided.
She didn't. Her aim is not to wreck the party at all.
But someone has that agenda. Who stuck the dirty linen all over the BNP website.? A key question?

Anonymous said...

Aberdeen Patriot and Chris Hill?
Then Smith and Graham rolled out their blog. or are you another one with inside dirt "anon"?

Anonymous said...

There is undoubtedly someone who is working against the BNP

You dont say? Getting plenty of help then aren't they by the list of "patriots" listed over at RealBnp, the ones linked by UAF?

Anonymous said...

Sadie's too smart to blow the whistle herself. She's taking stock and letting all the anons leak the shite.

Anonymous said...

But it will someone around Mr Griffin, not those who have tried to clean up the image of the BNP

Oh yeah, couldn't have been you and your mates on
Wonder "who" you mean.
Give us a break, the only one to look good IS Collett you twats. He must be the only canary not singing to the Reds.

Anonymous said...

"Give us a break, the only one to look good IS Collett you twats. He must be the only canary not singing to the Reds."

Yes well when you have:-

Praised Hitler

Sought to have sex with underage girls

Whacked someone at the party's Family Festival

Made a total prat of yourself on nationwide TV

You dont need to sing to the reds at all as you have already done their dirty work for them by re-inforcing THEIR sterotypical nationalist specimen. So the only people who will thank Collett will be Reds

Anonymous said...

I Dont buy it anon19:58 your little group sang to the Reds and youre still doing it, still talking about paedos and bad leadership and Nazi's and how terrible it is that a computer got removed (by its owners)
That comp was ours not hers. The party (thats US )paid for it through donations.
I'm glad its been removed.Its safe now with its rightful owners. You're so cosy with ketlan you might have sold our names addresses and place of work to antifa and searchies.
Nothings too low for you lot proudly posting your treason on realbnp.
Stop trying to kiss and make up with these searchlight narks green arrow please.
A line has been crossed and we dont know whose details they may have passed on in that "bin bag"

Anonymous said...

That comp was ours not hers. The party (thats US )paid for it through donations.
I'm glad its been removed.Its safe now with its rightful owners. You're so cosy with ketlan you might have sold our names addresses and place of work to antifa and searchies.
Nothings too low for you lot proudly posting your treason on realbnp.

Horrible thought.Everythings possible now. I'd never have believed things could go this far a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

If you oppose mention of Nazis and paedophiles you really should have a word with Collett shouldnt you?

Addtionally when Griffin campaigned to become leader he highlighted Nazis as in JTs photos was he singing to the Reds? No he was trying to get a better image for the party, an improved image one that people like Collett dont seem to appreciate the importance of. Or do you believe that in order not to assist Reds NG shouldnt have challenged JT let alone mentioned his nazi dressing up fetish? To be consistent you would have had to have been just as opposed to Griffin not just mentioning JTs nazi uniform but printing a photo of it just like searchlight. In your opinion was NG helping Seatchlight at that time?

Anonymous said...

It's also a Muslim trick and trait not to permit criticism of their peadophile prophet, notice the similarity, threatening all sorts to those that dare, sound familiar. Those who seek to protect Collett must have learnt quite a lot from Islamin in fact it could be said they are "showing the unbelievers close to them just how harsh they can be".

Did NGs criticisms of JT before and during the leadership contest help searchlight. Should NG have kept quite for the good of the party. Thats what JT said at the time - do you think NG should have done that?

Anonymous said...

You are linked by

And you have just linked to stbnp, WHY?

Anonymous said...

anon 20:59
you're not in the same league of loyalty as muslims. When did they sneak out blogs attacking each other and dropping hints for the enemy to make use of?
The Muslims wouldn't have a traitor like you. Not still wearing a head anyway.
go back to your bash the fash blog and shoot the breeze with your new mates. They probably want some of that bin bag material unencrypted.

Anonymous said...

all of those saying the party and leader cannot be "bribed" just to get rid of one man should remember exactly how the BNP came into being. JT split away because the NF would not get rid of Webster.

Anonymous said...

So lets travel back to those days?
Typical, glorious loser.

Anonymous said...

So lets travel back to those days?
Typical, glorious loser.

No what they mean is avoid at all costs, what they are saying is that we need to avoid a split,so dump Collett now. If that isnt done we will all be the losers

The NF didnt dumnp Webster causing a split, Webster then got the boot but far too late to save the day. We can LEARN from that. In fact if Collett was sincere he would resign himself. Has he thought about that? In the interests of the party

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Collett, he's one guy. A muppet(Lee Barnes) not The AntiChrist or Bin Laden FFS!
Its the way this was done. The leaks, sleeping with the enemy on UAF, the stupid blogs outing everybody else.
Dont tell me this was about Collett. That's an old tired record jumping by the minute.KS cany open his gob without popping at "The Leadrship"

Anonymous said...

who cares about Collett, some clearly do a he was not kicked out despite a final warning, despite Hitler love ins, despit little girl sex, despite gaff on tv, despite violence at a fun fest. Most of the people calling for Colletts long overdue removal voted for NG. Why would they wanna get shot of him now?

What other way was there? The have a word had run its course. A bit like Collett has.

As for who cares about Collett hardly a lesson in loyalty that statement is it. If these are his friends how one earth is he STIll in the BNP

Anonymous said...

despite Hitler love ins, despit little girl sex, despite gaff on tv, despite violence at a fun fest. Most of the people calling for Colletts long overdue removal voted for NG. Why would they wanna get shot of him now?

cant help yourself can you. You're programmed to rant and post anonymously but no one did anything constructive. Hard to know if your a Red or a realbnp'r.
Couldn't slip a credit card between you these days.

Anonymous said...

despite Hitler love ins, despit little girl sex, despite gaff on tv, despite violence at a fun fest. Most of the people calling for Colletts long overdue removal voted for NG. Why would they wanna get shot of him now?

cant help yourself can you. You're programmed to rant and post anonymously but no one did anything constructive. Hard to know if your a Red or a realbnp'r.
Couldn't slip a credit card between you these days.

And you seem to be suggesting all that wrong doing should be ignored. Brilliant. That is precisely WHY the BNP is in the mess it currently is.

You are right that nothing constructive was done and again that is why the party is in the mess it is in.

And not much constructive has been done by Collett has it? Or do you defend his actions?

If I was a Red I reckon, given his success in confirming everyones worst nightmare about BNP members, I'd be fighting to save Colletts skin. He has gone out of his way to prove what they, and other less extreme opponents, say the BNP is like. Well done Mark the Reds must be very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Matt you seem to be agreeing with the Reds thought process.

They say dont they that eeryone who opposes immigration is a racist.

Now you are saying everyone who agrees Collett is a liability is a Red.

Same tactic, hurl a buzz word, an insult to cloud the issue and stifle debate.

Exactly the same as the reds do.

Anonymous said...

Not half as proud as they are of you lot on "anon" feeding them info and bin bags according to searchlight.
If you couldn't get rid of Collett the political way it shows how inexperienced and unready you are to be asking the voters to trust you.
Fake blogs,stitch ups, big bombastic blowhards and drips of poison. Dont try to hide behind integrity.
Colletts hardly mentioned anymore you've been popping at NG every chance you get.He's a red herring. You were out for Nick.

Anonymous said...

Called a scapegoat too.

Anonymous said...

Started with MC and Hannan. Moved on to South African aids the scattergun went off on anybody staying loyal to The Party.Setting up New Party, new blog. Intimidating/persuading others to defect. Chip in paedophilia (obsessed with it in others)? fighting a coupla Nazi's loads of "anons"
Buckets more shite on each other.
Great fun.

Punchline; Vote BNP for family values LOL!

Anonymous said...

Nah I am not out for Nick thats another tactic you are employing to cloud the issue. Why would I want to get rid of the chairman who helped modernise the party away form its nazi, thuggish past? Nor would I leak anything to Searchlight or UAF but at the same time I wouldnt do anything to reinforce the negative stereotypical image these groups put forward as being representative of all BNP members, which come to think of it is one of the main reasons NG felt it was time JT had to go.

Lets jettison the millstone to ensure voters can trust us when we say yes we have changed all that Nazi admiration is history why else do you think we got rid of Collett.

Anonymous said...

Oh right! I think I'm getting it now. Thanks wise and ethical one for your patience in explaining it.
1 If I see racism and thuggery in my party I should protest and challenge?
A No
2 If I suspect paedophilia in a senior party member I should challeng (NO) I should reprt to police (NO) I should rsign ?(NO)
3 If I suspect money is being fiddled I should report (NO) I should challenge (NO) resign...(NO)

I should plot, sit on the info till the right time? (now I'm getting it)I should put out feelers to like minded comrades and hold secrtet meetings while we wait for maximum devastation? (Mmm, I'm proud)
Now what, what about the voters I shmoozed into voting for me? (never mind them, keep them sweet for a \while.
What can I do for my party to save it?
Set up a fake blog and expose it all, paint yourself as a crusader. Point at the bad guy (UAF will help here)
Take down as many as you can.

Thanks, I'm ready for the realbnp...can I have my own blog now?

Anonymous said...

Now whos ranting and raving?

Plenty of people have raised the matters you infer have been ignored by those campigning now. Indeed Colletts 'final' warning was due to one of them. this talk of plots/sleeping with the enemy/reds its all a bit tedious, its precisely the same tactics JT used in the leadershipo challenge, he too could have accused NG of sitting on info till the right (wrong) time in fact he did/ NG put out feelers to those of a similar mind to him to modernise the party. He too got involved in rival media (The Patriot mgazine as there was no internet then).Was it wrong for NG to do that in your view?

Should he have instead resigned over JTs indiscretions rather than organise (or in your words) plot to bring about change.

JT too advised keep quiet, dont rock the boat for the good of the party. NG chose not was that a bad thing for him to do?

Anonymous said...

You keep justifying yourself to whoever will listen "anon".
The night of the long knives is over and its in the hands of the gods now.
Keep believing how honourable you are behind a keyboard. I suspect talk of Red collaboration will get a lot more tedious for you in the coming days and weeks. But not from me.
I only have to convince myself that I backed a very strange lot. And I have. you on the other hand if you intend to keep going, have a long way to go.However posting anonymously will help (unless Sadie has access to your comp)


Anonymous said...

A new party called BDP (British dEmocratic Party) is being discussed on realbnp.
Will it be a multicultural one embracing all Britains people of every race and faith?
This could be a real possibilty now.I know its early doors but its never too soon to plan our long term future.
A modern party for modern Britain with close ties to but not ruled by Europe.This would frighten the Lib/Lab/Con.
I think plenty of voters would like that and the racist slant would be a thing of the dark ages.
We should close ranks now and protect Kenny and Sadie.
Our family needs us.

Anonymous said...

Talk of creating a new Party is treason. It is intended to disrupt the BNP before important elections. You should get behind Nick Griffin who has delivered good results. I read about your 'band of brothers'. From the outside you look like a pretty shambolic lot who don't recognise a good leader when you have one. As far as the public are concerned Nick Griffin is your biggest plus point. I hope he continues to modernise the BNP and brings it into the mainstream of British politics. Frankly with the kind of lukewarm support he is getting here it's a tough job!