Sunday 1 June 2008

Radical Islam - The New generation Muslims

This video from peacejohnmiller22 is 8 minutes long and contains much footage of the indoctrination of young children by the Cult of the Dead Paedophile.

The information contained is really informative but for me the clip was a little spoilt by the thump, thump music in the background, although some may find it works for them.

Check it out yourself, but either way please watch it so you understand what Western Europe is up against and to blow away any ideas that compromise can be reached with Islam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Europe’s Anti-Discrimination Madness Goes On and On and On...

Scarcely had the French Parliament transposed [into the French Constitution] three directives from the EU on the fight against discrimination, than the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to decree a new directive, this one against all discrimination, direct and indirect, and adding to its catalogue the designation of "multiple discrimination."

But at the same time it justifies the discrimination known as "affirmative action", disguised as "positive action", and insists that it be put into general use.

This totalitarian document, that defies the most elementary distinctions, requires a special legislation, multiplies the potential for punishment and lawsuits, and gives an exorbitant role to the anti-racist and ethnic lobbies.

42. Considers that discrimination must also be seen as interfering with the four fundamental freedoms – particularly the freedom of movement for persons – and as such constitutes an obstacle to the functioning of the internal market; calls on the Commission to encourage the Member States to review their transitional provisions regulating access to their labour markets in order to eliminate differentiation between European citizens in this respect;

43. Considers that minority communities, and in particular the Roma community, need specific social protection, since their problems of exploitation, discrimination and exclusion have become even more acute in the areas of education, health, housing, employment and women's rights following recent enlargements of the European Union;

34. Stresses that the Commission must produce a common, EU-wide definition of, or at least work towards a consensus about, the meaning of positive action, thereby dispelling the myths surrounding its meaning and its application in some Member States, particularly given its effectiveness for successfully tackling discrimination and producing equality of outcomes in some Member States;

23. Calls upon the Commission practically and effectively to support the adoption of measures by Member States through the Progress programme and the European Social Fund in order to support programmes promoting equal opportunities and the eradication of discrimination;

22. Stresses that in any event Member States should ensure that victims of discrimination are automatically assisted in legal proceedings, if necessary by public funding through legal aid schemes;

17. Is concerned about the low level of awareness of anti-discrimination legislation among citizens in the Member States and calls on the Commission, the Member States, trade unions and employers to step up their efforts to raise that level of awareness; recalls that the Directives impose an obligation on Member States to disseminate information to the public on the relevant provisions of the Directives by all appropriate means;