Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gwent Police Expose themselves to Children

Gwent Police are showing their support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender history month by raising the Rainbow Flag at Gwent Police Headquarters.

I wonder what sort of uniforms the Transgenders wear and what toilets they use or can they use any depending on what sex they are on different days?


Bert Rustle said...

The Green Arrow wrote ... I wonder what sort of uniforms the Transgenders wear and what toilets they use or can they use any depending on what sex they are on different days?

I raised somewhat similar points at , for example:

Why is segregating hospital wards by sex deemed desirable by the Ruling Class but segregation by sexuality is unmentionable?

Why is segregating public lavatories by sex mandatory but segregation by sexuality is unmentionable?

Is it the case that a male who finds the thought of males having sex erotic is to be celebrated?

Is it the case that a male who finds the thought of males having sex repulsive is to be vilified?

Is it the case that a male who finds the thought of males having sex erotic is simply exhibiting inherited behaviour?

Is it the case that a male who finds the thought of males having sex repulsive is simply exhibiting learned behaviour?

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello, hello little boy!

How would you like to see my truncheon, and play with my bobby's helmet?

Come with me and I'll give you a nice lollipop to suck.

Anonymous said...

For some time now I have wondered what would happen if I were to invent an organisation dedicated to promoting and celebrating a heterosexual lifestyle.

I presumed it would end with me being chucked in a police cell, and probably one where my jailer is a mamber of this distatseful organisation.

Well, that's what I THOUGHT.

And THEN I came across THIS

It's a mision statement put out by the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Who ?

For those who do not know, they are a Christian Church, but one whose teachings, I have little doubt, are a little extreme for some. For starters, their name comes from their advocacy of the sanctity of the Sabbath and by that they mean the SATURDAY as the Jews, NOT the SUNDAY as was the case for other Christian groups.

But the link I put up is their legal right to demand exemption to the homosexuality legislation in their dealings BOTH spiritual AND temporal, as a church which follows a doctrine that celebrates the sanctity HETEROSEXUAL marriage and sexual relations within such a union.

A doctrine which I think at least a third of the worshippers in the Church of England, THREE QUARTERS of its bishops and EVERY LAST ONE OF ITS ARCHBISHOPS would choke on if required to adopt.

Anonymous said...

Classic rule and Divide tactic, people are going to harbour resentment at Homosexuals rather than this Government and poodle dog police force, the Government say jump and police say "how high" ? politicalMIZZ

Anonymous said...

To really appreciate todays hypocricy and the extent of the morally sick society we live in consider these two scenarios.

(1) A policeman on holiday goes into a pub and on return home informs his chief of pictures he saw on the pub wall he personally deemed racist, even though they were newspaper cuttings.The publican is arrested.

(2) A policeman enters a public toilet in Brighton and finds two men engaged in unatural sexual practises. Seeing the police actively celebrate homosexuality does he arrest the offenders?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if you will Nelson raising the homosexual flag prior to the battle of Trafalgar, or the troops storming the beaches at Normandy with the Rainbow flag proudly held high.

I have no doubt in my mind there are shadowy forces at work within our society that are determined to ruin this country. Maybe the Gwent Police are just pliable victims.

The phrase useful idiots
spring to mind.

This country is sick. truly sick!