Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday in Port Talbot with South Wales BNP

(click for larger image)

I am ashamed to say that I did not make it todays activity in Port Talbot, South Wales. But those who know where I live will understand. Not even John of Gwent would have got to me in his 4 * 4. Never mind next time.

But a report just sent in, shows it to have been another success for the activists from all over South Wales who did manage to get there.
As for today we probably had our best response ever with lots of people walking up and asking for the leaflets and VOFs.

I would estimate around 3000 leaflets were handed out and 2000 South Wales Patriots (as sent to) you were all gone within 2 hours as were the complete stock of "Your Britain". We were completely out of stock by 2pm!.

Two teams of activists from across the whole South Wales region.

One team worked the stand and second leafleted the surrounding area. The level of support was staggering!

Our "British jobs for British Workers" is hitting home because we actually bloody mean it. We have shot some footage to support this and also we have a good article in todays evening post.
Well thank you for that report Roger, it really is appreciated and I promise I will be at the next activity even if I have tie all the neighbourhood dogs to a sled.

I have been given to understand we can expect team images later today, when hopefully the guys will also have uploaded a video of the event.

Well done Wales. My kind of people, whose family I am proud to be part of.


Anonymous said...

Great stuff! Will look forward to seeing the Video etc!

Anonymous said...

There's a warm welcome in the valleys of Wales for The BNP now GA!

Peristent truth and common sense pays off.

Well done South Wales BNP.


The land of my fathers, the land of my choice,
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice;
The land whose stern warriors were true to the core,
While bleeding for freedom of yore.

Wales! Wales! fav'rite land of Wales!
While sea her wall, may naught befall
To mar the old language of Wales.

Old mountainous Cambria, the Eden of bards,
Each hill and each valley, excite my regards;
To the ears of her patriots how charming still seems
The music that flows in her streams.

My country tho' crushed by a hostile array,
The language of Cambria lives out to this day;
The muse has eluded the traitors' foul knives,
The harp of my country survives.

Anonymous said...

Good on yar Wales!

So we will fight with truth the labour funded search lies spreading across the internet like a corrupting disease.

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you Wales. MY own tribe, MY people, loyal to MY country.