Saturday, February 28, 2009

A tale of illegal taxi drivers

Where does the time go? I was just updating the Liars, Buggers and Thieves site with details of two crooked councillors when I realised that I had no choice but to write an article about one of the cases.

You can read about the corrupt conservative councillor later, meanwhile let us look at the case of Bolton Labour Councillor, Sean Hornby.

Despite admitting using his car as a taxi without an operators license and using his car as a taxi without the correct insurance, he was let of with a caution instead of being prosecuted.

The investigation, that as cost thousands of pounds as now been dropped and the response from the leader of the Labour Council as been as expected.

Cllr Cliff Morris, leader of the Labour Group and Bolton Council, said: “The issue has been dealt with by officers in the appropriate way. There are no implications for Cllr Hornby’s position under the code of conduct for councillors.”
Salt in the wound for taxpayers and ratepayers, is that the shamed Councillor has been granted permission to apply for his costs from the Central Fund that is similar to legal aid but for privately funded defences.

Now have a look at how this crime is dealt with when the person involved is not a Labour Councillor.

In Northern Ireland an illegal Taxi driver was banned for two years and fined £1500 pounds.

And more recently, in Wales, South Wales Police, working with the local Council's licensing officers and acting on demands from taxi drivers who work within the law, brought a succesful prosecution against a man who committed an identical offence to the Labour Councillor.

The illegal driver, clearly not a councillor was fined a total of £715 with a 12 months driving disqualification.


Cllr.Hornby is not only a prominent Labour councillor for Little Lever & Darcy Lever but also the Treasurer to none other than the MP for Bolton South East Labour Party Dr Brian Iddon as the below link suggests.

I think we should send our disgust to Dr Iddon via:

You may also want to check out this piece on this charity theme by him!!

Corrupt Lords, Corrupt MEPs, Corrupt MP's and Corrupt Councillors. When will the sheep people wake up and realise the whole rotten lot need sweeping away and the only chance they have now is the British National Party.


Anonymous said...

The whole system is totally out of control, no wonder these "public servants" are desperate to hold onto power, when it allows them to be above the law, ironically those very same laws that are enforced vehemently by them against the lower sections of society. It conjures up images of Soviet Russia, where everyone was "equal", but some were just that bit more "equal" than others. Another benefit of being a Common Purpose graduate I wonder?, private members clubs where things get covered up or smoothed over by another member in the relevant department?. Democracy certainly has become a sham in post Bliar Britain.

Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. On the subject of taxi drivers, my sister recently gave up driving(she is almost 90) and now uses a taxi to go shopping, library, doctors surgery etc and usually has a regular driver, a local Welshman, who looks after her as if he were her son. Recently while waiting at the library a Bangladeshi driver picked her up when her usual driver wasnt available. Now my sister is (was) under the misguided impression that our invaders were nice people. She had spent her life in Hospitals eventually making matron, and had obviously worked with all nations, mostly not of the "peasant class" who somehow manage to find a few thousand quid to fly to Britain. After all, hadnt our dad, an old fashioned and decent founder of the Labour Party told us that all people were the same. By the time she had ridden a mere four miles with our "Bangi" friend he managed to completely change her lifetime way of thinking with his non stop tirade against British taxi drivers,British women,British way of life etc. At the very great risk to herself of a visit from our thought police my old sister told him exactly what she thought of him as she paid the fare(no tip of course) and I now have high hopes that she will vote for the BNP before she leaves this mortal coil which, I hope, will not be for some time yet. Tough old bird and far more intelligent than ever I could be, I wonder it took her so long to see the light. The power of years of brain washing by the msm I suppose. Better late than never. I need hardly add that she will insist on her regular taxi driver in future even if it means waiting a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

Cardiff Police , yes receivers of Common Purpose Training as are the Welsh Assembly and Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust

The Labour party et al

It as been said that people such as the labour party will be swept away by that which they have helped to create

Anonymous said...

Reading the comments on that Sheffield rag you directed us to, one contributor mentioned how an "Asian" taxi driver had been arrested over a motoring offence and taken to the station. He was released without charge after a mob descended on the polce station. One rule for the unholy alliance of Marxists and Islamists, another rule for the rest of us.

Leigh, Lancashire Nationalist said...


It never fails to amaze me of the blatant corruption of our "troughmasters" But, it seems not only is Cllr.Hornby a prominent Labour councillor for Little Lever & Darcy Lever but also the Treasurer to none other than the MP for Bolton South East Labour Party Dr Brian Iddon as the below link suggests.

I think we should send our disgust to Dr Iddon via:

You may also want to check out this piece on this charity theme by him!!

ProudGeordie said...

Here is a case of a Blackburn Independant councillor driving without insurance and being condemned by the Labour council leader. What does she think of Cllr Hornby? He was driving without insurance too! Sauce for the goose......

Leigh, Lancashire Nationalist said...

Some promising news coming from the Bolton News today in that the "Taxi row planning chief Cllr Sean Hornby suspended"

I would like to think the exposure from GA, and via his Liars, Buggers and Thieves sister site, played a pivital role in this decision! It's just a shame that the Labour MP Dr.Iddon is not mentioned in this saga, even though Cllr. Hornby is indeed the MP' poodle and treasurer!

Well done GA!