Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's not their fault they can't add up .....

if only someone had helped the chap on the right with his arithmetic...

by johnofgwent

News just in from the BBC News Website that will cause a rousing chorus of "why am I not surprised".

As far back as the 27th of April 2007 a whole raft of newspapers local and national - I've just picked on one - carried the story that Government Funding for the National Black Policemen's Association was frozen amid investigations of poor accounting practices.

Well, now it seems The Independent Police Complaints Commission has finally got round to severely criticising the National Black Police Association for "shockingly poor" book keeping.

But was it really down to that ? Given the habit of many of their members ' relatives to get their sons and daughters into the accounting profession one has to wonder whether the possibility of familiarity with every fiddle in the book was the reason IPCC Commissioner Naseem Malik was also critical of some members of the association for a "lack of cooperation" in her investigation which she said had delayed her work.

But on the other hand, one must also wonder whether the truth is that the officers running this elite little clique had an attitude to expemse claims that would not be out of place in the Welsh Assembly (Ipods to "learn welsh") or Westminster (Luxury bathrooms in their second homes and the odd quad bike for revving round the constituency). Because Ms Malik found that NBPA staff had incurred "personal expenditure" against the charity's funds and off-set money they needed to repay against future expenses, including spending by a member on holiday in Zimbabwe

Who the hell wants to go to zimbabwe for their holidays. Only a black left wing power-crazed despot who needed help and advice on how to stay in power, milk the system, and piss off into the sunset untouchably, carrying the booty. And where better to get such help and advice than from the black, left wing, power crazed, despotic madman in charge over there.

Or were they perhaps thinking of making Mugabe their new President when he finally has to give up the Presidency he now owns ?

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