Thursday, February 19, 2009

Simon Darby of the BNP Vs Weyman Bennett of the UAF

Well those of you early birds will have seen that my first article of the day was posted some time around 0400.

Since then I have been slowly downloading the Youtube clips of the "debate" between Simon Darby, the Deputy Leader of the the BNP and Weyman Bennett from the vicious, violent and undemocratic organisation, Unite Against Fascism(UAF).

Well it was not really a debate, as the ignorant Bennett refused to talk directly to Simon and so we had the laughable situation that you sometimes see in television sitcoms where everything is said to a third person.

Weyman Bennett, who many communists believe to work for the "authorities" is a proven liar as revealed when he said that he had been the victim of a racist attack that turned out to be a lie was well out of his depth.

I suspect his and his kinds refusal to "debate" with the BNP is more to do with the fact that they unable to answer the awkward questions put forward by those who seek the truth and threaten their positions on the first class gravy train.

One interesting thing revealed, that is common knowledge to most people, was Bennetts admission that the Tri-Axis of Evil parties in the form of the Lib/Lab/con alliance were collaborating on the way to respond to the British National Party. I now we knew it but it is nice to have it confirmed.

Another question that had him on the ropes was about the UAF funding. As well as from the usual sources, he mentioned survivors of the "Holocaust".

Perhaps for Weyman, it was unfortunate that this article in the Guardian attacking the UAF for its support for Palestinian Terrorists and the fact that the Chairman of the UAF, Ken Livingstone has invited the anti-semitic Muslim Council of Britain to their coming conference came out today. Reading the artice, you have to admire the face of Weyman in claiming to represent the interest of Jews.

Frankly, the part of the left that runs Unite Against Fascism is not up to fighting contemporary antisemitism. Its joint secretaryship is shared by a member of the central committee of the Socialist Workers party, and by a member of the National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR), which is strongly supported by Socialist Action. Both these political groups have a history of overlooking antisemitism.
Interesting. As was Bennetts proud proclamation that David (call me Dhimmi) Cameron was a supporter of the Communist run UAF. I think it is time for the blue rinse brigade to wake up and realise that they are now supporting the communists by continuing to vote Conservative. Loyalty is a great attribute but not blind loyalty to a cause that has betrayed you and your country.

All good stuff and well worth a listen. You can listen to the rest of the "debate" by visiting the channel of bnprenaissance.

Message to our visiting Guardian Readers

If you really want to know the truth about the UAF and Searchlight, then check out the links on the top right side of this blog under Enemies of The People. Think you can handle the truth?


Unknown said...

I have written something about Andrew Gateward.
I have proof that the malitia group was his idea not the bnps like he is claiming.

Unknown said...

I have written something about Andrew Gateward.
I have proof that the malitia group was his idea not the bnps like he is claiming.

ProudGeordie said...

I listened to this on playradiouk on Monday night and Bennett showed what petty, childish idiots UAF and their kind are. They only have propaganda which cannot stand up to scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

I coundn't believe this interview...

Anonymous said...

Question for Weyman Bennet:

Weyman - As a black, how come you never say anything about the religion-of-peace?

Friends of yours, are they?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Bennett? no coment!

The future, for Britain, is in your hands.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that Simon did come across very well. He's a little bit calmer than Richard, who's passion means he can get a little intense which then his attackers use against him. For many people who sit on the fence I imagine it's interviews like this that make them feel a little more comfortable siding with the BNP.

However I think there are some more things that can be done to help the party move forward, you need to focus on the most important issues - which I think are political correctness, mass immigration, loss of culture and identity, over-burdening of resources and reverse racism.

I think focusing on things like mixed race relationships homosexuals weakens your arguments for mainstream people, and you need to win the war not all the battles. You can't legislate relationships, so just let it slide and official make this a deprecated issue for your party. The party is still overly anti-homosexual, where instead it needs to be more pro individual rights. Richard once said they can do what ever they want, as long as it's in closed doors - that's too strong of a statement for mainstream people.

You don't have to be anti-homosexual or anti-mixed relationships. Just focus on removing political correctness and social engineering and be more pro individualism and you'll be on the right path and those things will take care of themselves without stigmatising your party.

Anonymous said...

I think it is wrong for us to debate or mention the UAF etc. We should play them at their own game. while ever the BNP remain fighting the UAF then the 3 main parties win because the BNP will remain at the UAF level.

We need to elevate and only debate the 3 main parties or at least attack them (verbally and politically that is) What the BNP needs is a "UAF" of its own to counter their demonstrations and occupy the UAF's time. This leaves the BNP the time and energy to battle the polocies of the main parties.

While ever the BNP fight the UAF we will always be at their level and will always be kept down.

If we had a "UAF" they could disrupt the UAF meetings and meter out the same tactics as they do to us, leaving the BNP free to move forwards.

Andy H

Anonymous said...

Apologies for going OT, interesting article about the BNP over at Israpundit

Anonymous said...

Would Mr Bennett like to prove his anti-racist credentials by condemning the Labour Party poster that depicted 2 leading Jewish MPs as pigs?

Anonymous said...

Weyman Bennett...gentlemen, we can rebuild him.

Dear dear dear, how foolish did he sound?, like some infantile playground bully. Now I DO know why the Facist left wont enter into any debate, they simply arent capable.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy H of 19-02-09 15:24

I welcome your point of view but I think you are wrong both in this case and in principle.

I do of course accept that going on to a programme such as this is a high risk strategy and not a job for the faint of heart or the loose of tongue. It takes an iron discipline, the wisdom of solomon and the patience of job to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous falsehoods whilst at the same time steeling yourself and biting your tongue waiting for EXACTLY the right moment to land the killer blow.

And in this case I think Simon Darby did the job showing mastery of all those skills.

But yes I concede it MIGHT have gone horribly wrong. I have no doubt that as a "professional" host of such debates Tommy Boyd would have been more than up to the task of challenging Simon Darby had the occasion presented itself, but Weyman's behaviour was just too infantile.

But that risk is answered by the point of principle that I wish to address now.

The interview mentioned Lembit Opik's "appearance" on a platform with the BNP leader and you can google for the event in question.

In 2002 Charles Kennedy faced demands to chastise the "cheeky chappy" but Lembit's PR machine countered in a most astute way thus :-

"Lembit does not accept the view that sharing a platform gives credibility to extremist organisations.....

....You create legitimacy by the strength of your argument."

And if we cast our minds back to the episode of "The Moral Maze" where Lee John Barnes was invited to appear. First up against the panel was an NUJ Spokestosser who derided and attacked both the panel and the programme for having the brass neck to ignore the NUJ "No Platform" stance. In "roundly explaining" to this woman what utter tossers she and her union's lackeys were, and in words that cearly told her to shove her 'No Platform' stance where the sun does not shine, Michael Portillo said ...

"Have you NO faith in the power of argument"

Portillo of course is a man who knows the power of oratory and had lived (and if not died, then at least "been pensioned off" by it)

Having listened to the programme, I believe Weyman managed to open his mouth just far enough enough to bite his toes off as he put his foot in it.

I think the risk was worth it. I think the risk is almost ALWAYS worth it.

Anonymous said...

Simon Derby came over very well, as eloquent and intelligent as usual.

Weyman Bennet brought to mind Milliband and Vaz slamming Geert Wilders' film whilst admitting they hadn't watched it! Just the usual string of stereotyped, unfounded accusations...with the "yer know" preceding every sentence.

Anonymous said...

QUOTE Anonymous said...

"I think focusing on things like mixed race relationships homosexuals weakens your arguments for mainstream people, and you need to win the war not all the battles. You can't legislate relationships, so just let it slide and official make this a deprecated issue for your party. The party is still overly anti-homosexual, where instead it needs to be more pro individual rights. Richard once said they can do what ever they want, as long as it's in closed doors - that's too strong of a statement for mainstream people."

Funny enough Richard Barnbrook and Simone Clark both BNP are bringing up a mixed race child between them from Simones previous marrage.
BNP members do have mixed relationships Adam Walker has a Japanese wife, and he speaks fluent Japanese.
As for homosexuality the BNP do have homosexual members, only they join in with everyone else and don't have "gay pride" marches etc
Dont listen to the media lies.
You are right you can't legislate who marries who etc, who would want to?

Anonymous said...

Further to Weyman Bennetts' acusations of discrimination, it would be interesting to question his take on the above article.

Anonymous said...

Bennet can not speak a sentence without saying 'Nazi', 'holocaust', 'fascist' or such like. He has no argument. No wonder he does not want to debate with the BNP - he has no argument to use against them other than his infantile name calling.
Bennet showed himself up for what he is here. Very funny interview.
As to the roots of the BNP being Nazi - oh dear Bennet. I am a BNP member and both my grandparents fought the Nazis (and were decorated for their efforts). The BNP are for the British people which the Nazis were not. Can you understand that UAF Bennet if you are reading this? I know you may be scared that your special privileges may be over when the BNP come to power but you will have to get over that - being black will not guarentee you any special (dare I say 'racsit') advantages any more. I can't wait to see it all happen.
Last thing Bennet - what did your grandparents do against the Nazis??? To defend Britain??? Anything????

Anonymous said...

The BNP have just been decalred as the winner in the Kent bye election!!!
Bennett your days are numbered!!! You can call Nazi all you want, nobody is listening to you anymore!!! The British people are going to vote in a BNP government - it's only a matter of time!!!
And Bennett what you going to do for a job then??? The government won't be funding your dirty little tricks campaign any more then! Numbered days for you!
And you are very ugly.

Anonymous said...

Is this the calibre of people inside the UaF ? Obviously Weyman has been elavated beyond his capabilities "positive discrimination" recipient ?

Anonymous said...

UAF/IRA for ever