Monday, February 9, 2009

The Times they are a changing. But very slowly.

I had intended to start the day with an article about...well you will have to come back later to see.

But the following statement on todays edition of Times Online(9.2.09) made me change horses in mid stream. Something I do not usually like to do. But here you go.

Church of England clergy could be barred from membership of the far-right British National Party under a controversial motion to be debated this week, The Times has learnt.
"The Times has learnt"? If I was the editor I would be suggesting to the writers of the article, that they spend a little bit more time over on the British National Party website, UKTabloid or even this blog and pick up the news a little bit quicker. This is history in news terms.

In the article I posted on January 19, I reported this story, details of Vasantha Gnaadoss, who proposed the motion and also how the BBC chose to misquote a British National Party spokesman.

The BBC really are pathetic when it comes to editing a story to suit their politcial masters, they were caught out again as reported here.

But back to the main thread of this post. You will not surprised to learn that the most pathetic Senior Police officer ever, Sir Ian Blair is supporting the proposal. I look forward to seeing him stripped of his pension.

Well you can read the rest yourself but let us see what Simon Darby, deputy leader of the BNP, has to say:
“It is not a very Christian thing to do to say that because you belong to a political party you cannot work for the Church of England.”
Nice one Simon. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

Now with a big hat tip to Ancient Brit, it seems that the Church of England is in severe financial troubles as a result of falling attendance. Now it may be that those empty pews are a result of people losing faith in their so called Church Leaders. Perhaps they should just concentrate more on preaching the Gospel rather than preaching marxism.

And in their desire for profit they will come to you
with words of deceit,
like traders doing business in souls:
whose punishment has been ready for a long time
and their destruction is watching for them.2 Peter 2:3


Anonymous said...

Indeed. They are preaching Marxism and a Clergy man as good as told me that.

Do they know the history and consequences of their new faith?

Anonymous said...

Nationalism (and common sense) is the new Heresy.

They nothing short of witch hunters

Anonymous said...

And in their desire for profit they will come to you with words of deceit, like traders doing business in souls: whose punishment has been ready for a long time and their destruction is watching for them.2 Peter 2:3

Indeed! The Church of England has deserted the true English people in their time of need. I shall not forget!