Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ignoring the cracks

By Sarah Maid of Albion

When a great structure or edifice begins to crumble, be it a towering rock face, a mighty building or a huge and imposing statue, the early warnings of imminent disaster are often small, and easy to miss or to ignore. A distant rumble, a shifting rock or a small cascade of pebbles are ominous signs of what is to come, but frequently only spotted by those who are truly prepared to look. Thus it can be for a sovereign nation state, and is how it has been with Britain.

Those who wish to undermine a society are most effective when they embark on their campaign of sabotage in small ways, so that their dark work remains undetected for as long as possible by those they seek to destroy, until the foundation upon which they stand is so weakened that it cannot withstand the final push which will send all which it once supported hurtling to oblivion.

Some have been warning us for years that there are forces within this land which are committed to destroying everything which is great about Great Britain. For a long time they were lonely voices calling to deaf ears, although more recently others, including one time New Labour voters, such as myself, have begun to see the truth in what they are have been telling us, and to appreciate the growing threat which we, as a nation, face.

However, for many the erosion of our culture has been so gradual and piecemeal that, even many of those who suspect that something is happening, do not yet realise how far it has gone and how narrow are the remaining planks on which they stand.

Commenting on an earlier post of mine which focused on the recent protests against the employment of foreign workers, a very aptly named blogger calling himself “Not my Granddad's Labour party” wrote:

The reason that this dispute has woken the British people is because it's a sudden change rather than a gradual, almost imperceptible attrition. If you look at the way that 'enrichment' has been implemented up to now, it has been a gradual destruction of our way of life - a death by a thousand cuts.

Each cut has been a minor annoyance, but not enough to bring people out on the streets.

- Nobody's actually rioted about the banning of 'Three Little Pigs' or crucifixes.

- People haven't been willing to die in a ditch about the gradual extension of the definition of Politically Incorrect speech.

- Nobody has taken to the barricades when the Union Jack and Flag of St George were deemed 'inappropriate'.

- Families have just had to grin and bear it when they've been pushed to the back of housing waiting-lists to make way for vibrant fast-breeders and their multiple wives.

But losing your job, and then inevitably your house, is hardly a minor annoyance. The EUrabians have made a major tactical error here. They have awoken a sleeping giant.

Not My Granddad's Labour is correct that the average Briton is less likely to fully grasp what they are loosing if it is chopped away gradually and by stealth, especially when there are so many deliberate and carefully placed distractions put in his way.

The enemy has, of course, been less cautious where they are unobserved, or, more accurately observed only by the innocent, be in little doubt that were hidden cameras secreted in many classrooms, and people were able to see the lies, disinformation, historical inaccuracies and blatant propaganda being fed to our children they would at last grasp what is being done. Of course, a corrupt media own the cameras, and they would not tell us the truth, so away from the public gaze, the next generation continue to receive an education which is little more than multicultural propaganda, hate and lies.

I wonder though whether the terrorists amongst us do believe them made a tactical error over the foreign workers dispute, or whether they believe that their work has been so successful that they no longer need to hide and that their years of work have brought our society to the point where a final push will send what remains of a once great culture tumbling into the historical void.

If they did think that, it would be hard to fault their logic, for look at where we are, and look at where we came from.

It is hard to think of another culture which has become quite as diminished as ours has and which has done so quite so rapidly. With our culture, our once rich language has been reduced to dumbed down politically correct mush. Words and phrases which tripped off the tongues of our mother's generation, and many before, have been condemned and silenced for fear that they might offend cultures which a hundred years ago struggled to master the wheel.

Members of a legitimate political party are banned from working in our police force, and now in our churches, but nobody dares to say “Hey this is what happened in East Germany in the 1960 's (or indeed Nazi Germany in the 1930's)”.

Pictures of the Boxing day crowds in Oxford street, appear in the news papers and on TV, and nobody has the courage to point out that there is not an indigenous, white, face amongst them.

Day after day we see clear evidence of the totally disproportionate levels of murder, rape, and mayhem committed against us by ethnic minorities, yet we remain silent when our lying media and politicians tell us that they, the ethnic minorities, are our victims.

The moment a single European voice, such as Geert Wilders' is raised against what is being done to us and our European brothers across our continent, he is banned from our shores (albeit that may be reversed if in dawns on David Silly-Bland that was a tactical error). Yet a days before a Muslim Peer makes a totally undemocratic threat and our legislators fawningly and instantly submit.

Earlier generations of Britons would have died fighting before they allowed this to happen, but we cringe and submit to it like beaten mutts. Yet, what is it we cringe before? A bunch of ill educated or hate filled communists, a dishonest media and a regiment of alleged human rights lawyers, who defend only the human rights of a selected few, together with a few lying, soul selling, politicians and above all the terrorism of a single word. We cringe because if we do otherwise we might be called “racists” or we might offend people from cultures, where wife beating, infanticide, honour killing, female genital mutilation, gang-rape, homophobia, murder, torture and corruption are endemic, - some indeed where ritual killing, cannibalism and slavery still occur, - and people we have granted sanctuary to and yet whom we are taught to feel indebted – and often inferior - to.

How have we, the British, come to this?

We have reached this point through the gradual, drip, drip, drip erosion of our culture and or national self esteem. In many ways Briton has come to resemble the brave soldier who would once have taken on and bettered any foe, but who now submits, childlike, to his hectoring wife, because after years of nagging, she has broken his spirit.

That analogy, albeit sexist (there are many men who nag their wives) sums up quite well how this has been achieved. By a process of first making us feel uncomfortable, then guilty, followed by telling us repeatedly that we are in the wrong, they have brought us to a point where what they say is the commonly accepted truth and what tell us has become the dogma of the state.

Is it any surprise that our enemies believe that we are vanquished, that they have won and as such no longer have to take their time and stealthily kill us by a thousand cuts?. That they have become bolder and more blatant and have moved to the next phase. You need not take my word for it, look around you and you will see it happening.

It is not over, but my God we have left it late to fight back, and there will be damage which can not be repaired. However, much can still be saved, if we decide to save it. In the dark days of World War II it looked as if all was lost, but it was not. A few hundred years before that the enemy appeared set to breach the walls of Vienna, but they were forced back. We have come back from the edge before, and we can do so again, but the window will not remain open forever.

The edifice crumbles slowly and can be repaired, but there comes a point where the fall will be fast and inevitable. Let us as a people awake before we reach that point.



Anonymous said...

Fantastic article sarah.Hopefully this will stir the fighting spirit in some of the slumbering warriors.

Anonymous said...

My contribution to trying to wake people up.
Frankfurt subversion, divide and ConqEUr

BFB said...

Brilliant post, Sarah. You should be writing for the BNP website!

Anonymous said...

Another great piece, Sarah.
Many thanks. Distributed.

Anonymous said...

Superb Sarah, once all these seeminglly little things are put together they make up the bigger picture, the complete picture the Government and their apparachicks don't want you to see incase you wake the sheeple up, thats why they hate the BNP so much because we are telling the truth and this Government can't under any circumstances tolerate the truth. I have no doubt Sarah we will prevail.politicalMIZZ

Anonymous said...

Brilliant article!

Perhaps we should now consider how we take the war to the enemy. Those of us who are aware of the steady attrition of our way of life and identity have been protesting against each new encroachment, usually with little avial. But whatever the outcome, we have been fighting a defensive war against aggressive Islamisation, multiculturalism and Marxist mumbo-jumbo.

We now need to consider how we can reverse the damage done in the past 40 years since Enoch Powell gave his warning.

Obviously getting out of the EU and persuading the muslims to leave are top priorities, but a vigorous and deliberately reactionary war needs to be waged on the cultural front, especially against political correctness and educational brainwashing and dumbing down.

The BBC must be discredited, weakened and if possible disbanded, and all the repressive legislation introduced by NuLabour must be repealed.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the article but disagree with the end that we have left it too late.

These 'thousand cuts' have been tolerated because they people have had money in their pockets to envelope themselves in material comforts to shut these out.

It is human nature that in these hard times with so much uncertainty that even with such material comforts that the people will start to ask questions and look for strong leadership to get them through.

The people won't like the answers to the questions they ask and the leadership they will get from the establishment who has was responsible for it as their response will be more of the same and grin and bear it.

If you have any doubts about this look to Eastern Europe and see how 50 years of totalitarian communism could not break their spirit.

Anonymous said...

One of your best if not the best article produced yet Sarah.

Straight to the point with fact, not fiction, and detail that we all, the wakened and the slumbering, can not fail to understand, have experience of and agree with.

I'd suggest the article is checked over, just to be sure, that there is no comeback legally and then it is printed and distributed with every BNP leafleting team and as a hand-out at every BNP street stall.

Truely a very stirring work Sarah.
And as another contributor said, you should be writing, and speaking too at meetings for the BNP.

Words of sabotage, spoken and written, in our schools and by our media, the traitors within, have indeed brought this country to the early warnings of disaster.

The BNP are the only political party, ready and willing to take on the task of rebuilding our great nation and home.


Anonymous said...

BNP supporters seem to fall into four categories (with some overlap):

1) Ethnic nationalists. People who want to retain Britain's Anglo-Celtic genetic identity.

2) Economic nationalists - people who have no objections to foreigners as individuals, but don't like them taking their jobs or depriving British people of other resources.

3) Cultural nationalists. People who are not worried about the race of immigrants, but expect them to integrate with British culture. This group tend to be opposed to Muslims and gangstas, but are not particularly bothered about law-abiding immigrants.

4) Anglospherists. This group aren't really nationalists at all. They are internationalists of a rather restricted range. They are anti-EU, anti-Islam, pro-American, pro-Australian, usually pro-Israeli and often pro-Indian (vis a vis Pakistan).

Anonymous said...

Sarah, according to this guy,
http ://

what you so ably describe has been going on for a hundred years.

Look him up.

PS. This guy thinks so as well

Anonymous said...

This NuLabour government is without doubt, the very worst government that any nation has had. OK, Mugabe ruined the economy of Zimbabwe, but so has NuLabour of Britain’s. But the one saving grace of Mugabe is that he did not betray his country to foreigners or its enemies. Nobody can accuse Mugabe of trying to hand over Zimbabwe to the "whites".

That is one way to look at NuLabour's appeasement of Muslims and Islam - it is a Quisling government. The other is that this government is saying to the people, "If you want your country to free itself from Islam and the demographic threat, you will have to do it yourself". In effect, all its appeasement policies, appeasement of the most grovelling kind, can be viewed as trying to provoke the British people to do something. “Do something”, they say, “ For until you the people do something, we the government are powerless, and have no justification in taking any action”.

If above is the case, then the real dhimmis, appeasers and cowards are us, the British people, who have let down Britain, the government, and above all the millions of people in Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and NZ, who gave their lives to safeguard freedom.

The real question then is, when do we say to ourselves, that we want our country back, and are prepared to do something about it, and no one can stand in our way - NO ONE.

Till that day arrives, I regret to say, that we the British people, are the biggest cowards either side of the Suez.

Old Atlantic Lighthouse said...

Great article. We have to drip them back and a lot more in a hurry. In theory, one can wake up quickly and fight off an intruder. Now we test that on a grand scale.

Anonymous said...

Great Article, should be a speech to us all in the UK!

An inspiration at the same time as a realisation

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 12 February 2009 10:51

If I could please be so bold and add another category of BNP supporter - the small-c conservative.

Anonymous said...

The "conservative movement" is no longer in any sense rightist, save for its alliances with multinational corporate wealth.

In other words, Conservatism is an amalgam of social liberal multiculturalism, allied with transnational corporate right economically, projecting a neocon foreign policy.

The farce of democracy that we now have is multiculturalism run by bankers, media, bureaucrats, politicians and social engineers.

The wilful destruction of the middleclass will gift wrap hundreds of thousands into the nationalist cause.

The next election will see millions voting for Cameron's Tories, I doubt whether Cameron will last five minutes, though realistically he will hang on like grim death (like Brown) and will continue Brown's scorched earth policy toward NWO.

Finally, when the Lib/Lab/Con trick is destroyed, then things will become interesting.

Anonymous said...

First time ever that I have been compelled to copy and distribute an article. Amazing considering the quality of the submissions I read every day. Brilliant stuff!

I am a chess player, there was no defence to Wilder's move. Whatever they did, the outcome was inevitable. One-nil to white. Might yet, through the European courts, be a re-match. Then we can see Ahmed's Black & Brown Army in action.

I get happier every day, you only have to read the comment's section of the daily newspapers. Times are a changing, the giant is awakening.

Anonymous said...

This is an outstanding article, Sarah. Keep it up - it fortifies people.