Monday, February 9, 2009

Which man are you?

Remember this?

By Albion

Establishment Voter

This man’s preferred political party’s ideologies, apart from slight cosmetic differences, are identical. They are statist and are undemocratic in origin. A Statist government is one that forces an ideology on its people against its wishes. Muticulturism IS an ideology. They use legal power to initiate force in any manner they please against legally disarmed citizens. This mans party have refused its people a referendum to enable them to have a choice as to whether they want to be governed by consensus by a group of European law makers.

Patriotic Voter

This man’s preferred political party differs greatly in that it will govern democratically where the will of its own people is of prime importance. This country will once more become a self governing sovereign state; England will finally regain its own parliament as have Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Hopefully in time it will dismantle four of Great Britain’s largest non-profit organizations, the Refugee Industry, the Immigration Industry, the Political asylum Industry and the Race Relations industry and dismantle the costly infrastructure that funds them, drip feeding off the taxpayers.

Establishment Voter

This man’s political party is using the Police Force as a political tool of the government to enforce its totalitarian policies by threat or force. It is a politicized department designed to keep the people in a continuing state of confusion.

Patriotic Voter

This man’s political party will use the police force for the purpose it was intended, that is to protect its people, fight crime, and protect their lives and their property. It will not be used as paramilitary force to enforce government political ideologies. Nor will it allow its Police Force to blatantly discriminate against its own people for fear of offending alien cultures and ethnic tribal groups alien to their own. Political correctness will be a thing of the past.

Establishment Voter

This man’s political parties have signed innumerable treaties which has passed self government of this country to a European decision making body in Brussels, many of these decisions are not in the best interest of this country. Because of treaties this man’s party has signed this country is required by European Law to allow employment of foreign workers in preference to British workers.

Patriotic Voter

This man’s party will make sure British jobs go to British people. It will not be an issue as this man’s party by then will have proclaimed self government and will NOT be answerable any longer to a foreign power and will ensure his country’s sovereign status remains paramount.

Establishment Voter

This man’s political party has surrendered its country’s borders, and agreed with a non-elected European entity to break his country into regions against the wishes of the people. They have, by signing illegal EU treaties, decimated its country’s agricultural industry and fishing industry and by recklessly pursuing a globalist agenda ruined its country as a manufacturing nation and have taken this country’s oil industry as a shared resource for the land mass of Europe. It has used the Race Relations act to stifle any dissent or criticism of its policies.

Patriotic Voter

This man’s political party will again take control of its borders. With advice from experts in the fishing, agricultural and manufacturing industries will kick start a stagnating Britain to restore its own manufacturing base. It will cast off the yoke of government by a group of European Globalists and repeal all illegally signed treaties. It will also initiate a Royal Commission into the purpose and aims of ‘Common Purpose’ what is their agenda and who are the people involved, and to investigate any crimes of sedition and treason by ‘Common Purpose’ or by our political representatives.

Establishment Voter

This man’s party sees no upper limit on the numbers of immigrants allowed into this country. In truth they encourage it. Neither do they appear to see the future danger of the spread of Islam in this country. The Race Relations act will repealed as a matter of urgency. His government is browbeaten by representatives of the Moslem Council of Great Britain and subjected to influences outside of the country into the proliferation of mosques.

Patriotic Voter

This man’s party will immediately cease immigration, determine how many illegal aliens are resident in this country and remove them. It will stop the proliferation of Mosques in a Christian country and investigate Saudi Arabia’s financial influence in the spread of Islam in this country. It will NOT recognize Sharia Law. It will deport immigrants found guilty of serious crimes and strip them of their citizenship.

This man’s party’s loyalty is to a Christian Britain, its people and its future and NOT Europe and that is why he is voting for the British National Party.

Which man are you?


Anonymous said...

Patriotic Voter.


Anonymous said...

Patriotic Voter.

Anonymous said...

This would make a good BNP leaflet.

ProudGeordie said...

Agreed, an excellent leaflet indeed