Sunday 19 July 2009

No Bacon Butties for Rotherham Care Home residents

No more bacon butties for some of Rotherham's most vulnerable Brits ?

by johnofgwent

Something came to my attention while surfing the net this morning and I think it does deserve a wider audience. Over on this page of the Mail Online you can read the details of the latest imposition of islam upon the indigenous population of this country.

It appears that one "Doctor" Zulfikar Ali Khan, the Islamic owner of the Queen's Care Centre in the pit village of Maltby, near Rotherham, took it upon himself to stop using the services of the local, family run, butchers who have for some years supplied the vulnerable residents of this establishment with their favourite pork pies, sausages for their bangers and mash and of course the bacon for their morning bacon butties. and gave the job of supplying the food for those who make him a fortune under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to a halal butcher instead.

I suppose he's only doing as his imam demands, ensuring those who follow his religion prosper in these straitened times while the businesses of the long standing indigenous population go to the wall, but when the story of this man's imposition of his religion's dietary demands upon the forty elderly residents none of whom show the slightest inclination to face the east five times a day got out, there was a pretty furious reaction, and rightly so.

It seems that the message handed down from hon high was that anyone who wanted pork products was welcome to go out and get them - themselves - but pardon me, if I was in a care home for the elderly it would surely be because I was in no position to go out and fetch such things for myself. If I were I for one would not spend a minute longer in such a place.

In the wake of the "outing" of this imposition of Islamic values on those who want nothing to do with the faith, Doctor Khan has tried to suggest that this move was only made in order to provide halal products for his Islamic staff, but the funny thing is, you see, he has no such staff (yet) and in fact the only follower of the ways of the Prophet Mohammed in that establishment is - HIM. I suppose one must take come comfort that the oxygen of publicity seems to have forced Khan to back down - he now says that "as soon as the residents feelings were known a senior staff meeting was held and the policy was reversed".

However, I have a question. If I were running a home for the followers of the "prophet" and forced them to eat bacon I would pretty soon find my licence to operate the place revoked and my business placed in the hands of someone more "open to respect for the demands of my former patients".

I wonder when the local authority are going to throw this islamist on the street for abusing the patients in his care in this way ?

I decided I would go see who the local councillors are in the Maltby area and see if they had any comment to make on this story. From Rotherham Council's website I see the local elected representatives include Labour Councillor Amy L Rushforth.

Local people might like to visit the Rotherham Council website and pick up her address or email address to write to and telephone numbers and contact her as is their right under the Representation Of The Peoples Acts to ask for her views on this outrage.

Be aware that as with many matters of democracy the Councillor is only obliged to deal with those she represents and I will require that anyone contacting her be just as unfailingly polite in their words as the returning officer at Torfaen was to me when I attended the count.

In the meanwhile I see one of the other councillors in the ward is one of our own, and I shall be contacting him today to see if he has a comment for our readers.


Sadly it seems "Our Man in Maltby" will not be getting the chance to comment on my blog, for my attempts to email him half an hour ago at the official email address received an error telling me Error 511 - the username part of the email address was invalid. Oh well maybe he will read this and comment anyway.

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