Sunday 5 July 2009

Patriot Products - Announcement

Get one of these car decals free with your first order

The Green Arrow site is extremely pleased to announce the coming birth of Our Country's biggest on-line Patriotic Superstore. Patriot Products.

Roger Phillips

During the last few months, a team of professional people, all of them BNP members, led by Roger Phillips of Wales BNP have been working around the clock in order to, first produce a feasibility study, then a detailed project plan and carry out a risk assessment for the project.

With the risk assessed, finances secured, contracts signed, work is now going on in populating the on-line catalogue and what a catalogue it is going to be. The site should be live in about two weeks.

I must make clear, that this is not a BNP initative but a private one.

But before I tell you the kind of products you can hope to see, I want to let you know the reasons why Roger brought the team together and it was not as you first might think. Financial reward.

I can guarantee you, knowing the man, that that is not the case. It was the fact that he discovered that there was no on-line site available for British Nationalists that sold everything they needed to be involved in the Nationalist Movement, that drove him to create this new business. Although, when the company is flourishing, I hope that he and his team are well rewarded for their efforts and initative.

Now what is the Green Arrows part in this enterprise? Very little really, other than I will carry a banner pointing to their site and occasionally push a particular product if it catches my fancy.

I have also been offered the chance to market Green Arrow products in various forms via Patriot Products but that is a little way down the road. Not far though.

Now what are they going to sell? Well you name it, they will be selling it. However all ideas and suggestions are welcome. Possible Suppliers wishing to deal with the company will soon be able to get contact details from the new website when it goes live.

Where possible, everything sold will be sourced in this country. In the event there is a British manufacturer and a cheaper overseas supplier, the British Product will be sold unless the price is considered excessive for the goods provided.

So what goods will they be providing? From the presentation I saw, there are flags, T-Shirts, Ties, Mugs, Badges, Lapel Pins, Pilot Shirts, Headscarf's, Tents, Cuff-Links, Blazers, Security Products, Complete Stalls for street activity, Branch Banners. Well the list goes on. I will not even start on the discounts available to branches and groups. Those details will be revealed in the official release that will be following within a week or so.

It is hoped that all Patriot sites will carry a banner to promote this new patriotic company whose motto is "Four Countries - One Nation".

More news to follow as I receive it.

I am sure you all join me in wishing Patriot Products a long and prosperous life.

Support the Resistance
