Monday 16 March 2009

BNP Arthur Kemp Battle for Britain Pt 1

Good speech. No a great speech.

Interesting to hear Arthur talk about the Normandy landings. My father landed on Sword Beach, got machine gunned and Mentioned in Dispatches all in one day.

And good to see Tony Ward back in action.

Long live the BNP.

After you have watched it then go here, five star it and leave a comment.

Now I have the Labour/UAF response. Laugh, I could not stop laughing. "The power of their argument is overwhelming", he said with his sides splitting.


Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. Arthur Kemp is outstanding, a true patriot and a very able speaker. How fortunate we are to have him on board. With such talented people in our ranks its little wonder the media wont give us space on programmes such as Question Time. Imagine how the British people would flock to our party if only they could hear the speech in this video on national tv. Pity he's a knuckle dragger!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the way the fat leftie who takes over from the white haired one can't work out how to use the megaphone.


Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. Anyone like to claim the blonde tart for their daughter? What a slut, what an advert for lefty/commie politics, as gruesome a set of maggots as I've seen for a long time. I wonder how long it took for the parrots to learn their chant? I remember a teacher once telling me and a friend that a parrot had more brains than both of us put together, just because we hadnt learnt our Latin homework. Happily, over the years we proved her wrong .Now if she had said it about this lot then she's be bang on. Dickheads- and thats being generous.

Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. I thought I recognised her but couldnt quite place her as she struggled to work the megaphone. Its the Vicar of Dibley with some of her flock.. No wonder congregations are in steep decline.

Anonymous said...

This is part of a 4 part series, well worth watching them all.

As always the BNP inspires.

Anonymous said...

where's "naziland"?

and yes that was stephen hall.

any chances of criminal charges being filed?

Anonymous said...

I'm suprised that Vera Lynn hasn't yet tried to sue you for playing her songs at BNP functions. but really, i doubt that she was the one who objected to the record being legally sold on the nationalist site, it was her left wing music producers.

Anonymous said...


Swear words; name calling; no logical dialogue or reasoned debate.

About par for the lumpen conditioned.

Thanks for yet another brilliant clip of evidence attesting your puerile demeanour.

You have lost the workers, you have lost the factories, you have lost the ideological struggle -and, yes, you have all lost your marbles.

Nationalism 10 - No hopers 0

Give up and at least save face.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone like to claim the blonde tart for their daughter? What a slut, what an advert for lefty/commie politics, "

she could marry pete doherty?

i love her palestinian scarf, says it all really.

plus, what did the guy say to tony ward at the end of the video? i couldnt hear it, but it sounded funny

Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't think it's going to get to number 1....

Is it just me or does anyone think the fat dark haired one's heart just really wasn't in it?

defender said...

Looking and hearing this lot makes me suspect that the cidar and spliffs are what they are in it for.

Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning. Marry Pete Doherty!! What a thought. Imagine the poor bloody offspring from such a pair of druggie leftie idiots. The New Socialist Master Race!! Agree re the ugly fattie, she will wake up one day, realise the futility of it all and go back to strtching out in front of the tv with her packet of crisps (giant size) box of chocolates (megga size) and switch from one soap to the next watching Zac and his family living off the backs of the workers. Shouldnt tax her limited brain cells too much

Anonymous said...

Celtic Morning.Just watched Arthurs speech again. We vote on Thursday, the count takes place on Sunday. I hope we have plans to keep a very close watch on the ballot boxes during that time for we know that the establishment crooks will stop at nothing and stoop very low to make sure the results go against us. It will be difficult enough to counteract the postal vote scam without being ripped off at the boxes too.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the fat scruffy f**k Zak Dingles wife from Emmerdale.

Anonymous said...

BNP Humour and wit take no prisoners with the witless
self-hateng failures

Anonymous said...

Another "antifascist" -

Note the usual features and expression ...

Anonymous said...

Those people are mad! Ugly and mad! They have no argument. Naziland???

Anonymous said...

A Palestinain scarf!! Says it all!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the misinformation, my lovelies are still there, though this time as they had so much admiration and offers of marriage that they have declined to take comments.