Saturday 21 March 2009

The White Riddle

Whites have gone from 35% of the worlds population to a mere 8% today. If the world is not struck by a new black plague, whites will make up only 0.9% of the world's population in five generations,...

You know the truth. I know the truth. They know we know the truth and that is why we must be silenced.


Anonymous said...

What annoys me is that when i was growing up everyone was bleating on about how the world population was to great and we had to slow it down no on seemed to bother telling Blacks/Asians etc.Like many people my parents only had two children because of this reason and they fact that they wanted us to have a comfortable life.
Now all they bleat on about is we dont have enough people in this country so we let the whole world in.Are they deliberatly trying to irradicate us?

Anonymous said...

sorry to have been so harsh on pc bettley but after reading about the spitfire pilot joining the bnp and standing with griffin the pc's weasley words really pissed me off.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you showed that video considering where it came from.

Perhaps it is true, but you are playing into the hands of the anti-BNP organistations who will say "There, I TOLD you they are Nazis!"

The Green Arrow said...

So we must not show the truth because we do not approve of the messenger?

Anonymous said...

this vide keeps talking about "they" and "their" but doesn't give any factual quotes or evidence. Anyway, why do people keep using the term "liberal", it doesn't exist, liberals are people who are too stupid to realise that they are socialists.

Anonymous said...

The message in the video is important - it does not matter where it came from - besides I have never heard of the organisation anyway - but if they are called 'Nazi' by the media/state/government so what? That is just a lable used to silence the truth. This situation is way beyond anything to which name calling is important. Just yawn if they call names. Genocide is occuring. Who cares about name calling in the light of this genocide?

Anonymous said...

Exactly.Its a message.I don't see anyone else making the point.But then this data is probably available somewhere if not available to common sense

Anonymous said...

Whilst I wouldn't give Stormfront a second of my time I have to say that the message in the video is true.

We only have to look at South Africa and Zimbabwe to see that the goal is the eradication of westerm societies and the white race. And the same people who destroyed them are now destroying us: Marxists. It is deliberate, there is no doubt about it.

South Africa Sucks has made this same point on many occassions and there is also an excellent series of essays that give an insightful and not too encouraging analysis of the plight we are in, perhaps the best analysis anywhere at this moment:

From Meccania To Atlantis - Death of the West

Time is running out.


JPT said...

You mean we are an ethnic minority?
An endangered species?
Then we must be given preferential treatment and protected!

Anonymous said...

Here is truth ...
Please watch and distribute -

The eu/liblabcontrick/islamist axis = the genocide of the white race!

Wake up!

Anonymous said...

Maybe people who tell the truth are labelled as extremists to discredit them?
I have noticed that occuring in Britain sometimes.
Just ignore the lables, ignore the fact that a messenger may or may not be extremeist, and listen to the message.
For example, Gordon Brown is 'the devil'. But, if you were in a building and he shouted 'fire' would you look to check, or ignore the message? If you looked to check and saw that there was a fire would you then disregard that fact because it was Gordon who initially gave you the message? Would you stop him from telling others because he is 'the devil'?

Anonymous said...

Rainbow London -

This is what liblabcontrick supporters vote for!