Monday 23 March 2009

The BNP Vrs Dopes Don't Rate and the TUC

Communists see these seats as prime BNP targets

I see that the anti-white and anti-British TUC have betrayed their True British members who pay their inflated wages and pensions and is wasting more of their subscription money by trying to prop up the Establishment in Hackney London.

And boy are they on a roll. They have already set up a Facebook group which now as almost 150 members. BNP London must be trembling in their boots.

Not so funny, is the fact that the TUC, who will not be putting forward any candidates to stand in the elections, will distributing 25,000 leaflets telling immigrants to register and vote against the BNP. The traitor John Page of the TUC said:
“There are a lot of people, particularly ethnic minorities, in Hackney who are not registered to vote,” he said. Because of proportional representation, Mr Page said, 12 votes are needed to cancel out every BNP ballot cast.
Damn right there are a lot of ethnics in Hackney but to use the word "minorities" is a bit of a laugh when they make up 30% of an area where "white flight" is the response to regular enrichment attacks.
BNP spokesman Simon Darby said east London was an area where the party “definitely” had a good chance of success, and that his party would be campaigning hard in Hackney.

“A lot of our people have been driven out of Hackney and it has become an unbearable place for indigenous Londoners"
Helping the TUC act as a Third Party in their campaign against democracy will be Searchlight cover Hope Not Hate, better known as Dopes Don't Rate.

As expected, their sad site is linked to in the article and starts off by attacking the performance of British National Party councillors and then proceed to fly of to Cloud Cuckoo Land by saying:
At the moment many people, particularly in social groups C2DE, which have provided the BNP with the bulk of its voting base, appear to be returning to Labour, probably in the hope that the Government can save them from the worst consequences of the economic decline.
Barking mad, the lot of them. But then again when you are being paid big sums of money by the Unions and the State you have try and be positive. It would not do for your client to see you soiling yourself would it Gerry?

Now there is nothing better a guerilla fighter likes than to use the enemies own resources against them and I am only to pleased to publish on their behalf, the results of their research into the percentages of votes required by the patriotic BNP to win seats in the European Elections.

No of Seats and percentage vote required by BNP to win a seat

Thanks for that guys. Now readers might like to reread some research I carried out on the by-election results that have taken place this year, where the average BNP vote was in excess of 14%.

BNP and UKIP percentages and votes for 2004

A message to UKIP members and Voters

Loyalty is one of mans greatest qualities. It will drive a man on and even cause him to lay down his life. But there comes a time when a man has to question whether his loyalty has been abused.

And such is the case for the patriotic members and supporters of UKIP. Your leaders have betrayed you and Our Country. They are no longer driven by the need to remove Our Country from the New World Order Eurabia. They seek now only to line their own pockets and hope that the crocodile eats them last.

Look at the above charts and do the sums yourself. If the patriots of UKIP switch now to the BNP then together we could send more than a dozen MEPS into Europe to align with Nationalists from other nations who also wish to break free from tyrany.

Your choice now, is either "My Party right or wrong" or "Duty to your Country". Make the right choice and put your childrens and grand childrens future first. The British National Party welcome Patriots from all political parties who have decided to finally put their country, our country, first.


Anonymous said...

"I don't trust white guys" -

However - ...... and ......

Off target I'm afraid. Try here -

"Antifascism" is code for "Anti-white"!

Anonymous said...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Australia to fine its residents $11,000 for visiting 10,000 politically incorrect websites

Perhaps the Aussie's should have been a bit more verbal a decade ago when their government started fining and persecuting those that questioned certain aspects of history associated with the holocaust lie? Please note that the below article, which doesn't condemn the Australian governments censorship in any way, was written by a Jew.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Australia to fine its residents $11,000 for visiting 10,000 politically incorrect websites

Perhaps the Aussie's should have been a bit more verbal a decade ago when their government started fining and persecuting those that questioned certain aspects of history associated with the holocaust lie? Please note that the below article, which doesn't condemn the Australian governments censorship in any way, was written by a Jew.