Tuesday 21 April 2009

The Truth Truck arrives in Lichfield

Alex and the Truth Truck in Lichfield

I was chatting to Alex Sproule early this morning and he mentioned that he was going to be out and about in the famous Truth Truck today.

Well you know the Green Arrow. Great. Can I have an image asap? Poor Alex hadn't even left the house but he remembered and sent me the above image. Quite striking I thought.

Alex also told me that a local businessman (enricher?) is planning to build a mosque right next to this beautiful Cathedral that is a part of our heritage.

Pray God, that Alex who is standing for election in a by-election for Lichfield North on June 4th, is elected and gets a chance to sit on the planning committee that throws the mosque idea where it belongs. In the bin.

Alex, a fellow Christian is lucky to have such a beautiful Cathedral to worship in.

Looking forward to seeing the video of his day out on The Truth Truck soon on BNPTV.

By the way if you would like to come and chat with the boys in the band called the BNP then you can find us here on Chat Roll.

Oh why not. Here is a video of the Truth Truck on the road a few days ago. Now the sound start of a bit iffy but soon improves and I loved the music and shots at the end.
