Wednesday 22 April 2009

Labour show contempt for electorate in Wales

Councillor Kevin Edwards(2nd from right) in Ammanford

As a result of the increased activism of South Wales BNP, the traitor parties are forming a coalition to try and prevent the continued growth of the only patriotic party in Wales. The British National Party.

This undemocratic alliance was brought about after a Day of Action in Amanford.
In those leaflets, entitled ‘June 4 2009 D Day Part 2’ in reference to the European elections, members of the public are urged to vote for BNP candidate Kevin Edwards, who, as a member of Llandybie Community Council is the only BNP councillor in South Wales.
As a result of that action, Carmarthenshire County Council deputy leader, Kevin Madge (Labour) said that he would join forces with both Plaid and the conservatives to ensure the BNP make no further inroads to the valley.

Strange though isnt it that the rag Guardian fails to mention the recent defection of one of Plaids senior members to the British National Party just two days ago.

Deciding to be a little more proactive, the Green Arrow contaced Councillor Kevin Edwards who is also standing in the coming European Elections for a comment on this shameful slap in the face to democracy. I post his reply in full;
It just shows how scared the Old Failed Parties are in the success of the BNP. When politicians are pleading with the electorate to vote for anyone apart from us beggars belief.

Adam Price for example made a ridiculously "Crass" statement that no one in Carmarhenshire will be swayed by the BNP. 4 days later we had a defection to our ranks in the form of Councillor Meirion Bowen a former Plaid Cymru Councillor who will be a fantastic asset to the party.

Meirion is just a typical example of the the disgust and contempt ordinary voters now have in Plaid and Labour. Their elected officials, are completely out of touch and in a time of severe economic decline that their policies have forced on ordinary working class people are viewed as nothing more than "Self Seeking Misfits" and "Pigs in Troughs." They are terrified of losing their seats on the "Gravy Train" and know that only the BNP can do this.

Thank you Councillor for your reply to my question. I look forward to reading more of your comments regards to events happening in Wales.
