Sunday 17 May 2009

A Few Words About Glenys Chronic Labour MEP.

Nice picture of Glenys in Moscow

Our Glenys has been an MEP since 20th July 2004 until now.
Since being elected by a massive herd of sheep she has done nothing of value for Wales. In fact between July 2004 and April this year she has attended only 211 sessions. That is one every 8 days. She has made 47 speeches. Here are some of them:

23rd March 2009:
Economic Partnership Agreement between the EC and Côte d'Ivoire
3rd September 2008: Situation in Zimbabwe (debate)
9th July 2008 Situation in Kenya (debate)
11th December 2007 Second EU/Africa Summit (Lisbon, 8 and 9 December 2007) (debate)
19th June 2007
Conclusions of the G8 meeting - USD 50 billion, and 100% debt cancellation. (debate)
9th May 2007 EU partnership in the Horn of Africa (debate)
28th March 2007 Statement by the President (Zimbabwe)
14th February 2007 Situation in Darfur (debate)
17th January 2007
Cotonou Partnership re: 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.
30th November 2006 AIDS and AIDS treatments in the developing world
27th September 2006 Situation in Darfur (debate)
5th September 2006 lifting millions of farmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America out of poverty.
4th September 2006
The deteriorating situation in Darfur.
6th July 2006 Uganda and Fair Trade Association.
17th May 2006 Swaziland – and Mauritius sugar problems there
5th April 2006 More nurses from Malawi living in Manchester, than living in Malawi
22nd March 2006
EUR 22.682 billion on foreign aid.

19th January 2006 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries being failed. 17th January 2006 Support for Carribean sugar producers in line with EU sugar growers
30th November 2005 Re trip to Hon Kong for WTO conference on Aid to 3rd world countries
14th November 2005 Banana import problems and EU subsidies to the Windward islands
12th October 2005 EU policy on Africa
8th September 2005 Promotin tourism in Mozambique
6th July 2005 Africa, globalisation and poverty
6th June 2005 Problems in Burma
10th May 2005
Situation in Sudan

18th November 2004 Problems of Darfur and Ivory Coast
26th October 2004 Problems in Burma
14th September 2004 Humanitarian situation in Sudan.

You might well have noticed that all the above relate to countries outside the EU and most to Africa. None of the others relate even remotely to the problems of white people, and none at all to the people of the UK let alone Wales whose people elected her.

This self seeking extremely rich woman is a total fraud and should be exposed as such.

She draws a salary of £61,000 Up to EURO 185,952 towards staff costs.

Office management costs of EURO 47,352

Subsistence/attendance allowance of EURO 279 per day

Travel allowance on economy class wherever they travel on business.

Most can make up to EURO 12,895 profit per year by using alternatives.

She pretends to be Welsh but was actually born in England

AND does NOTHING at all for WALES

EDIT/ADDENDUM by johnofgwent

I don't normally jump in and muck about with other people's posts, but I want to add something about Glenys and it is PROBABLY better here than in a comment. Shoot me down if you will and I'll remove it ...

Two months ago the BBC News at Ten carried a magnificent documentary piece about the illegal immigrants living in filth and squalor in a tent city outside Calais paying locals to be shown where best to lurk to ambush lorries waiting at traffic lights on their way to the Port of Calais and a ship to Dover. It was a wonderful news article. We Could not have paid to get such good publicity for our cause. Seeking a European perspective on this I used to contact every one of my MEP's asking what the FRENCH were doing about these illegal immingrants on their soil and what they as MEP's were doing about it.

Our Plaid Curry MEP sent back a pithy reply saying we had a duty as Europeans to offer shelter to these poor vulnerable unfortunate people. My fragrant arse we have. But that shows what a vote for Plaid will bring. The two other MEP's sent auto-email responses. But Glenys Kinnick was utterly silent on the matter. I have not heard a damn word from her. I would LOVE to get HER on BNPTV to ask her why she has failed to respond to her constituent's legitimate concerns. Is anyone up for it ??