Tuesday, 23 January 2007

The B.B.C. or the Blatantly Bias Cooperation

More politically correct nonsense from the money grabbing parasites that feed off the British Public in the form of the B.B.C.

Check out the following and then see if you can see what it is that tools of the fools do not wish us to know?

Incident 1: BBC Oxford’s news report in full.

A man was left needing 17 stitches to his throat after he was attacked while waiting for a bus with his girlfriend. The victim did not see the attackers with a weapon, but was left with a wound in his throat after the attack in Oxford on Sunday morning.

He was waiting at a bus stop at the junction of Leopold Street and Cowley Road in the early hours when he got involved in a row with two men.

Police have appealed for any witnesses to come forward.

Incident 1: Thames Valley Police’s corresponding appeal.

Detectives in Oxford are appealing for information after a man was attacked in Cowley Road in the early hours of this morning (26/2).

Officers were called to a bus stop, at the junction of Leopold Street and Cowley Road, shortly after 0130hrs to reports that a man had had been hit in the throat following a verbal altercation with two men, while waiting for a bus with his girlfriend. Although no weapon was seen, the man was left with a gash in his neck that required 17 stitches. He has now been released from the JR2 hospital.

The first offender is Asian, between 5ft 10ins and 6ft, large and around 30 years old. He had black, spiky hair, a mid-length grey or black jacket, black trousers and trainers.

The second offender is also Asian, 5ft 6ins to 5ft 8ins, skinny, and around 30 years old. He has black hair, which was short on the sides but longer on top, a goatee beard and acne. He was wearing a denim jacket and blue jeans.

Any witnesses or those with information should contact Det Con Chris Bulger at Oxford CID via the Police Enquiry Centre on 0845 8 505 505 or, if you don’t want to speak to police and don’t want to leave your name, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Incident 2: BBC Leicestershire’s news report in full.

Police have appealed for information after a nine-year-old girl was robbed in a Leicestershire street. A man approached the girl as she was walking along Gleneagles Avenue in Rushey Mead on Saturday morning. He grabbed her shoulder, demanded she handed over a mobile phone top-up card and then ran off towards Troon Way.

Det Sgt Simon Preston from Hamilton CID, said it was a "frightening attack on a vulnerable child" and urged people to come forward with information.

Incident 2: Leicester Police’s corresponding appeal.

Officers in Rushey Mead are appealing for witness after a nine-year-old girl was robbed in the street. The incident happened at 11.45am on Saturday February 25, 2006 as the girl walked along Gleneagles Avenue towards Peebles Way, having just been on an errand for her mother at the shops on Lockerbie Walk.

She was approached by a man who grabbed her shoulder, threatened her and demanded she hand over an Orange mobile phone top-up card. He then made his escape, running up Gleneagles Avenue towards Troon Way.

The man is described as black with dark skin, in his thirties, around 6’1” tall and of slim build. He had a round face with a wide flat nose, thick moustache, large dark eyes, thick eyebrows and small pointed ears.

By not releasing all the information the B.B.C. are putting the public at risk and possibly allowing an offender to escape justice.

Lets hope that a future B.N.P. Government scraps the yearly Tax and finds a more useful employment for its staff.