Sunday 16 March 2008

BNP - Burnley election footage 2008 - Brilliant

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Well done Nick. Well done Burnley.


Anonymous said...

new poll indicates BNP set for at least 2 London GLA seats!

Anonymous said...

I recently visited Burnley to help out with some leafleting and met some great people.I wish ever town and city had such a dedicated team of activists.I truly hope they get ever candidate elected as the people of Burnley need these people to look after their interests.
Many thanks for your hospitality while I was there.

A True Nationalist said...

Thanks for showing this, and thanks to the poster above for helping with leafleting,
A lot of time and effort went into the making of the DVD and a lot of people need thanking, a good result will be our reward.
Chris vanns
Burnley & Padiham organiser