Friday 28 March 2008

Cowardly attack by Asian gang on Army Cadet

The Army Cadet Force - Young Britons to be proud of

A young Army Cadet was cowardly attacked by four youths of "Asian appearance".

Gareth Rogers, who was out on Wednesday afternoon last week, collecting money due from sponsors for a charity walk he had completed, was in Berkley Street, Nelson when he was set upon by the thugs who racially abused him, before attacking him.

Gareth required hospital treatment for facial injuries. Despite the racist nature of this crime the four Asian youths have been granted police bail.

As to be expected when there are racial attacks on whites, the silence from the main stream media is deafening.

Regular readers will know from previous articles as to the courage required by these gangs to attack young white males.


Anonymous said...

Green Arrow, I appreciate your blog very much. I use it sometimes to search for articles and thus was hoping you could add a military or army label to this.


Anonymous said...

Granting bail is one way of allowing the accused to skip the country. This seems to be happening far too often to be purely coincidential. I bet the idea is that if they disapear so will the need to do anything about it, pity they arent so understanding to the indigenous people who get jailed for the most ludicrous of "offences"

Anonymous said...



27/03/08 - News section

Operation overkill: Hundreds of police officers cram a street in a swoop on... mobile phone thieves

Marching down the street, they look like an army preparing for battle.

But this was no apocalyptic war zone.

It was rather a suburban road where the locals - while no doubt grateful of a beefed-up police presence - probably thought 600 officers with the sun glinting off their riot helmets smacked of overkill.

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Moments later the officers stormed into an adjoining road bustling with cafes and shops which has become a haven of organised crime.

In an extraordinary operation, they swooped on 19 businesses on Blackstock Road in Finsbury Park, North London, which were suspected of drug dealing, money laundering and selling fake documents.

Targets included an internet cafe, a butcher and a greengrocer.

Scroll down for more... T-Mobile has said that 40 per cent of all stolen phones go on to be used in the Blackstock Road area.

Fearing a riot, the Metropolitan Police drafted in a huge number of officers and within seconds they had sealed off the street and evacuated members of the public.

More than 70 suspects were in custody last night. Officers found more than 300 stolen mobile phones.

Other stolen items seized include 120 laptops, 110 cameras, 32 iPods, 20 satnavs and 47 forged passports and driving licences.

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Police said many of those involved in the criminal network were of Algerian origin.

Chief Superintendent Bob Carr said: "The operation was designed to ensure the maximum amount of evidence was secured with the minimum risk to all concerned.

"We had to plan for there being a number of people in each of the 19 premises as well as in the street."

Scroll down for more... The swoops were the second phase in a day of raids targeting looselyconnected crime networks. A further 500 officers led dawn raids at 37 addresses across the capital.

In Blackstock Road, officers handed out leaflets in English and Arabic to explain the operation.

Terry Young, 62, a retired print worker, said: "In the day the road is not too bad but after 7pm pensioners like myself wouldn't go down there alone.

"There are lots of gangs hanging around. Muggings and stabbings have become a regular occurrence."

Another resident, Sean Cooper, 56, said: "Abu Hamza used to preach nearby and that attracted a lot of the wrong kind of people. There's a huge amount of criminality in the road

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©2008 Associated New Media

Anonymous said...

From the same newspaper you linked to:

Mosque plan go-ahead after controversial land deal


Anonymous said...

If the BNP unite with the media and the govt. to tell British children that 'their' military are doing something noble in Afg. and Iraq., it rather undercuts ther BNP's claim to respect diversity and indigenous peoples.

The BNP ought to be campaigning to have our English, Scots, and Welsh soldiers free the British peoples from OUR aggressors, HERE in Britain.