Thursday 6 March 2008

ROI to get referendum on Lisbon Treaty

Well it looks as if the future of Our Country depends on which way Ireland goes in a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

It is shameful that having been denied a referendum by our treasonous government that we must now hope that Ireland rejects the EU Constitution (it is not a treaty) and topples the whole project.

In a classic case of "Well he would say that.", Bertie Ahern, the Prime Minister of Ireland said he had great faith in the Irish people backing a 'Yes' vote despite the treaty being a 'difficult document' to understand for some. Treason is never easy to understand.

And just why would Bertie support the betrayal of his country? Could it be anything to do with the fact that his name is on the short-list for the First President of the undemocratic Eurabia?

If you want democracy restored to Our Country, then you had better realise soon, that ONLY the British National Party is prepared to go get it back for you.



Whichever way the irish referendum goes will not matter because the eussr "parliament" has already voted to ignore a no vote and proceed irrespective of the result.apparently we have exported so much democracy to the needy of this world ,that we have none left for ourselves.

Bert Rustle said...

A proportion of the Irish appear to be happy as long as their overlords are not in London. I asked the question ... Thousands of people were killed and thousands more maimed to end British rule in the Six Counties. Now approximately 80% of government decisions emanate from Brussels ...
So was the PIRA campaign for the right of the Irish to be governed by the Irish, or by anyone but the British? Do the Irish in 2008 have more political control of Ireland than in 1908? If not, why not and why do they find it acceptable? If the massive level of immigration had been from the UK, as opposed to the rest of the world, would it have been accepted? If not, why not? Is being Irish now defined by geographical location?
Various replies can be found at Why the Irish and the British should understand the difficulties with multiculturalism . There are a lot of informative EU/Ireland articles on the same site, Hibernian Girl

Anonymous said...

The video chicken run. the recent demo at the EU parliament it stated clearly that should the Irish say NO it will be ignored!
Democracy at work...........