Monday, 12 March 2007

Do Something Today

I have grabbed the following from the excellent British National Party news site.

One of the allowances available to be claimed by all Members of Parliament, except those representing inner London constituencies, is the “Staying Away from Home Allowance” (SAFHA).

This allowance was introduced to reimburse those MPs on Parliamentary business – from Wales, the north of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland for instance – where daily commuting to Westminster is not a viable option.

However what both media and members of the public alike are finding difficult to understand is why any MP representing a London constituency would have any need, whatsoever, to claim this allowance – currently set to a maximum of £21,634 per MP per annum!

Try as we may, we are unable to ascertain why certain London MPs have laid claim to SAFHA.

For instance, during the last complete financial year 2005/6 the Parliamentary record shows the following:-

Labour MPs.

Dawn Butler, Brent South - £15,442.
Harry Cohen, Leyton & Wanstead - £21,634.
Jon Cruddas, Dagenham - £21,535.
Mike Gapes, Ilford South - £21,584.
Barry Gardiner, Brent North - £21,620.
Andy Love, Edmonton - £21,634.
Joan Ryan, Enfield North - £19,333.
Gareth Thomas, Harrow West - £17,209

And Labour husband & wife team;-
Ann Keen, Brentford & Isleworth - £15,794.
Alan Keen, Felham & Heston - £14,494.


Derek Conway, Old Bexley & Sidcup - £21,634.
Jacqui Lait, Beckenham - £21,222.
Richard Ottaway, Croydon South - £21,634.
Andrew Rosindell, Romford - £21,634.
Angela Watkinson, Upminster - £17,040.

Does anyone know for what purpose these elected representatives are claiming this money? Because we don't!

Well let us do something today. If any of the not so Honourable M.P.'S listed above represents your Constituency, then using the Contact Your Politician link on the right, write to them and ask them how our money was spent. Let us know the reply.

Do it now - whilst they are scraping about for receipts it will stop them doing something damaging to our country.