OnlineScannerXP.COM warning
Ok this as gotta be quick. Thankfully I am fairly experienced in dealing with trojans, viruses and the like and have sometimes got burnt "playing" with them to see what happens but not everyone is and a virus can be frightening to some. Hence this post.
Today I followed a link to a site called Scent of Serpents. The name is not really that important because there are dozens of these temporary sites out there with one aim only. To frighten you into parting with money.
When you get to a site you will usually see something of interest that will get you to click on it. It will not be what it seems. Look at the following images. Please click on them to enlarge and read the text.Smelling a rat already. Moused over the image and saw that it pointed to Naughty.
The video is just an image from
Ok, I' ll play. I click on the link and follow it through to the above. No matter what you do you will then go to the next screen.
Complete and utter nonsense. My machine is secure and I am then faced with go eat something or pass on a warning to readers of the blog.
The following is more information on this nasty piece of software and the link to the good guy site is here should you need to remove ONLineScanner if it has infected your machine. Below is a clip from the good guys site. is the latest home to fake anti-spyware XP Antivirus Protection. offers a free scan with XP Antivirus Protection. What a deal. Only if you download the trial, XP Antivirus Protection tells you you’re infected with spyware that doesn’t exist, and pops up fake security alerts to trick you into buying XP Antivirus Protection for $49.95-$79.95. This popup reads:
“The page at says:
ATTENTION! You have not completed the virus scan!
Your PC is still infected with spyware!
Please return to and download XP antivirus scanner.”
Despite whatever says, if you don’t remember how you got to, the only spyware you’re infected with is XP Antivirus Protection. So just remove XP Antivirus Protection, before you throw your PC out the window.
Remember if visiting strange sites, before you click on a link, have a look at the address of the link when you do a mouseover. For example, If it looks like a Youtube video but the address is somewhere dodgy then dont go there. Also make sure your security settings on your browser are setup correctly.
I may come back and polish this but have no time now other than to warn those of you not familiar with this scam.
I have send the company an email. I wonder if I will get a reply. Now for dinner.
I wonder if the person running that site is a sodding Nigerian.
You get nothing for free GA.
Pay £25 or so per year to Norton Internet Security and you won't get messed around.
Can't imagine why people still put up with this.
Just switch to Linux and kiss all these window$ woe$ goodbye.
You'll wonder why you left it this long........
Pip pip
GA these 2 links might explain the problem the liberal leftie elite that run most of the MSM,and Governments.
Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.
Don’t listen to the liberals - Right-wingers really are nicer people, latest research shows–Right-wingers-really-nicer-people-latest-research-shows.html
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