Voting BNP is Evil - so says God and the Labour Party
Everyone with half a brain knows that the Labour Party is run by marxists who are atheists, who if they had their way would outlaw all religions, except perhaps Islam.
So it was a bit of a surprise to read an article on the Labour Home site where they hand out some praise to the Reverend Paul Butler, a Church of England Vicar from Deptford. Until I read the report on what the cretinous creature from the pulpit had been saying.
He is in danger of giving the Established Church a good name in the wider Labour movement. Rev Paul talked to the meeting about how the Church of England is officially not only opposed to the Far Right, but in every diocese in the country there should be a working group meeting on a regular basis on how to tackle fascists. He talked about the Christian concept of “evil” and how the BNP is a modern day example of biblical “evil”. It’s an organisation that’s nasty with a divisive approach which not only encourages hatred between communities and faiths but also hatred against individuals such as gays and the disabled. He pointed out that when Christians are baptised or confirmed they have to renounce “evil”. To me he seemed to confirm that voting for the BNP is incompatible with Christianity and is in fact an “evil” act.And where did the Dhimmi Reverend make these revelations, why at a very poorly attended meeting in London that had been organised by .... wait for it...Searchlight. Surprise, surprise. No wonder the Churches are empty. The priests are all busy cuddling up to the reds in town. Must be heaven for them.
Anyhow, you can read the rest of the article yourself and I suggest you do. The rest of it concerns the reds realization that the BNP are on target for winning a seat in Europe come next year. I am sure he meant seats but there you go.
By all accounts we only need 8.5% of the vote to win a seat in the North West and as they admit, the BNP regularly win 20-30% of the vote.
Hat tip: Red Squirrel
Interesting article. One thing I don't understand though is why you say the Searchlight meeting was very poorly attended, when the only information in the labourhome article about attendance is that it was well attended. How many people were there?
If the vicar wants to renounce evil then pehaps he should concentrate on protecting Christendom against the true face of evil.
If not then he should 'Go forth and multiply" as the Good Book says.
Anon: Reference attendance. When Searchlight say "Well attended" they mean half a dozen.
When they say "hundreds" they mean a few dozen.
See images on this site with statements from UAF and attendance.
Classic examples. The Trafalgar Square demonstration and the Blackpool demonstration. Oh and Bridgend. All well attended by zip.
Not really a new thing GA. Just think back (if your as old as me) to the Battle of Lewisham where the Bishop of Southwark in his robes was shoulder to shoulder with commies and immigrants leading the hordes of the great unwashed as they pelted the police with rocks bottles and smoke bombs before the NF had even arrived.
Not too many decades previously the militia would have read them the riot act, then shot 'em.
Hi Colonel, sadly I am as old as you:) and your right about the Bishop of Southwark.
These "priests" remind me of those in the book "The Camp of the Saints" who travelled on the boats. They were the first to have their throats cut.
These liberal doogooders dont know what they are talking about GA.
I know God's grace is upon the BNP.
The highest realms of the C of E are now publicly criticising this Labour government with the Bishop Nazir stating that government is run by a group of Marxist revolutionaries.
The Church has more important things to worry about than each of them setting up groups that are anti BNP, they should be setting up prayer meetings to pray for their communities and country.
This is someone who has been wheeled out for the propoganda media machine.
These liberal doogooders dont know what they are talking about GA.
I know God's grace is upon the BNP.
The highest realms of the C of E are now publicly criticising this Labour government with the Bishop Nazir stating that government is run by a group of Marxist revolutionaries.
The Church has more important things to worry about than each of them setting up groups that are anti BNP, they should be setting up prayer meetings to pray for their communities and country.
This is someone who has been wheeled out for the propoganda media machine.
The Labour party, the party which has brought true evil into our country in so many ways:-
Diabolical taxation
Indecency into schools through promoting homosexuality to schoolchildren
Violent crime committed increasingly by children on children
Corruption on a scale that would never have been imagined 20 yrs ago
Bringing a sense of devaluation and hopelessness to our young people, resulting in a suicide rate among young men which surpasses the rest of the developed world
Colluding in illegal wars against the wishes of the majority
The list goes on and on doesnt it?. Thankyou New Labour, you have a damned cheek to compare yourselves to a God like party. The devil would be proud of your works!
Something aside to this, now that Labour are becoming all religious!*??!, did anyone read the article about Christ having visited Britain, and taken teachings from the Druid elders who apparently believed in a higher being called Yesu, (which is similar to what Jesus is in Welsh?). Fancy that!, the original inhabitants of this isle may well have connections with Christianity's origins.
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