The madness of Red Ken
The pedestrian cretin of Londonistan, Red Ken Livingstone is a little bit peeved with the main stream media. God only knows what he would think if he were to read the blogs of the True British People. Probably turn purple and die of apoplexy. No. I will not send him my link. The Newt Man is always good for a laugh.
Having spend a small fortune on commissioning a study of the reporting of Islam and Muslims in the British (government controlled) press. When the results came back he threw his dummy out of his pram and blasted off with:
"The overall picture presented by the media is that Islam is profoundly different from and a threat to the West," he said. "There is a scale of imbalance which no fair-minded person would think is right." Only 4% of the 352 articles studied last year were positive, he said.Damn right. Islam is profoundly different. It is a cult that worships the rantings of a Dead Paedophile and brings death, destruction and terror to all the people of the World. Whether Black, White or Blue. The cult does not care who they kill in the quest for world domination. Evil Laugh.
Not even Our Dhimmi press can put a positive spin on people being blown to bits, young girls being mutilated and a host of other horrors these people commit. Of course there is negative reporting of them. Islam is a negative non religion. But Red Ken will never admit that. He wants their votes some time down the road.
The toad - sorry newt man, ends by saying that the Londonistan Muslims feel more British then any other members of the community. Does that include the remaining Whites whose City the colonisers are stealing from them?
Fortunately for the True British suffering under his madness, there will be a real alternative next year come the Mayoral Election. Check out the video.
Hat tip: najistani and the Covert Undercover Team
No-Go policy on mosques and Islamic immigration
A 10-year ban on Islamic immigration to Australia and on the construction of any Islamic schools or mosques is the main election policy for one of Macarthur's federal election candidates.
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) candidate Godwin Goh said his party, if elected, would also lobby the NSW Government and Federal Government to change any anti-vilification or anti-discrimination laws that could make such a proposal illegal.
Mr Goh said he wanted: "No Muslim immigration for 10 years, no setting up schools and mosques, too."
A decade is the time Mr Goh said was needed to review the impact of Muslim migration to Australia.
Critics of the party have called its members bigots but Mr Goh denied the accusation.
"That word means intolerant," he said.
"We're not intolerant, we actually love Muslims but we don't like what they practise and some of their beliefs because they're not favourable to our society and community harmony."
The Liberal MP for Macarthur, Pat Farmer, rejected Mr Goh's proposal. "Immigration requests need to be analysed on a case-by-case basis," he said. "You can't throw a blanket over the top of everybody and say they're all terrorists and all incite violence. That's wrong and that's not the Australian way."
Mr Farmer said the Federal Government decided immigration cases on "people's involvement in the community, what they can add to the country, their ability as far as being able to support themselves and get a job, whether they have family here already or a police record in their home country".
"Basically we're looking for people who can be good upstanding citizens."
When asked to respond to Mr Goh's proposed 10-year ban on Muslim immigration, schools and mosques, the Labor candidate for Macarthur, Nick Bleasdale, said: "Let me make it clear. I'm totally opposed to the development of the new Islamic school and the community has my full support on the issue. Make no mistake, this issue has nothing to do with race. It's based on the fact that such a large development will undoubtedly have an impact on our semi-rural way of life, especially without the local infrastructure to support it."
Mr Goh is opposed to all Islamic schools because, he claims, they teach extreme versions of Islam. He cited as an example an Islamic school in Victoria. "The teacher asked the students who their hero was and they all said Osama binLaden," he said.
"The teachers are brainwashing. Can't you see it's brainwashing? What about Australian heroes? Sport heroes? Such brainwashing, this is when these children have been taught this kind of teaching in their formative years.
"When they grow up they're going to idolise the greatest of all terrorists and, furthermore, there's nothing illegal about teaching about the Taliban, Osama binLaden and an extreme interpretation of Islam."
The Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) has so far promised to send its preferences to the Family First Party and the Liberals.
Interview with Mark Field,Westminster MP
We asked him if he was aware of the EU’s plan, instigated by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to force through a sixth and final EU treaty adopting the EU Constitution, by May 2009. Mr Field agreed that if this happened, British
MP3’s would be out of a job. That didn’t worry him personally, he would just return to industry, but he was concerned for the loss of democracy for his constituents.
He’s fully aware that the sixth EU treaty means the end of the Conservative party, both because Westminster then becomes powerless and obsolete, and because the EU states in clause I-46-4 that national parties like the Conservatives will be discouraged, and only EU wide parties like the EPP and PES will be permitted in the EU parliament, which he realises is powerless. But again he knows that as a Conservative, he will be forced to obey the party whip. So will Mark
Field be another Conservative turkey voting for Christmas in the EU?
We found Mark to be well informed, on top of the issues, and anything but complacent.
It’s on page 7 of the paper
There is more!
& this
Ken Newtbrain should have his head stuck on Traitor's Gate!
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