The BNP ate my hamster
I should really be writing about something else but I could not let the following story go by without making you aware of it.
It seems that Margaret Orman, the landlady of the Whitmore Arms, in Orsett has supposedly lost her rag over the fact that the British National Party posted leaflets through "neighboring doors". Big deal.
She says that the BNP posted leaflets saying it had organised a meeting in her pub for Saturday, September 13 with speakers denouncing the local conservative councillors. A meeting she says that she has not given permission for, to be held on her premises.
Now any sane person would think this kind of meeting to be an excellent idea. But the truth of the matter is a little different. The leaflets given out said no such thing.
The BNP have categorically denied that they issued such a leaflet announcing a meeting. And I believe them but not Margaret. She said:
“I’m really upset about this.“ I heard they were distributing leaflets and immediately went out to confront some representatives of the BNP who were putting out a different leaflet.However some of the comments left on the site make interesting reading and raises a couple of points. You can go read about it here.
“They said the meeting leaflet had nothing to do with them, but I don’t believe them. I’ve spoken to the police about it, but they say they have done nothing wrong."
Now I do not know how many pubs there are in Osset but were I local concerned with what is happening in my country, I am damn sure I would find another pub to drink in and leave Margaret alone with her imagination in an empty bar.
By the way, talking of eating, there is a good article over on the Melton and Rutland BNP site that you might like to read.
A key statement in the echo-news story ...
"Earlier this year they (the bnp) used a picture of the pub, without authorisation, as an iconic symbol of middle England in their election literature.
"Authorisation" from whom, I wonder.
If someone stole a picture of her pub off her own website, fair enough. But this is NOT france and we british have the right to take photograps of picturesque villages and use them as we see fit.
Don't we ?
But cheer up GA I have a pic of the oldest pub in wales somewhere handy if need be.
I even spent the night in their "haunted bedroom" but there weren't any "women in grey" doing any moaning and groaning at midnight.
Well she wasn't wearing grey .... :-)
I hope you are referring to M JOG or was this when you a young pup?
Silly old bat!
I wonder if the daft cow is making it up or if some twat from the Labour party (or such like) made and posted some fake leaflets?
Either way i know that i ever visit the village i shall steer well clear of her flea ridden boozer.
Don't do that Dave, just pop in & tell her what a silly old bat she is & keep your beer, put where the sun don't shine!
You know as well as I do its all a sham, part of the war against freedom. No leaflets, no BNP callers, just old dirty Labour and its bootboys in the media doing what they do best, fooling the public.
Given that, as I posted on the Forum yesterday, five pubs are cclosing down every day, margaret may soon find herself begging for the custom.
That is an odd story though, and there may be more to it than it appears.
To see the leaflet that was being distributed in the village go here:
To see a video of the landlady go here:
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