Saturday, 20 September 2008

I wonder if they invited Ali Dizaei and Tariq Gaffur ?

by john of gwent

"So we're all cool about this then, chief super, I mean, you understand we're 100% pure veggie here at "The Caliphate Tandoori" and your lads will forget they ever saw the alsatians in the freezer, yes ?"

A rather interesting piece of journalism caught my eye over at the Manchester Asian News today. It seems that in an attempt to butter (or should that be "ghee") up the local police force, "senior police officers", "members of the police authority and the police federation" and the local community were "invited", along with former Lord Mayor Councillor Afzal Khan and the consul general from the Consulate General of Pakistan in Manchester, Saif ur Rehman Khan, to "a bit of a do".

The event, organised by the Greater Manchester Muslim Police Association, was held at Sedgley Park police training school in Prestwich this week. Speeches outlining the significance of the religious festival and the contribution of Muslim officers to the police force were made before invited guests were asked to share in a traditional meal of dates followed by a selection of Asian dishes. Ramadan prayers were also observed.

But strangely missing from the guest list of the great and the good were those two outstanding champions of law and order, Ali Dizaei and Tarique Ghaffur

Also strangely missing from the list seem to be most of the other 99 members of the "100 most outstanding" outstanding followers of the cult of the dead paedophile who are judged to have "contributed positively to the UK".

Well, let us be honest, Mr Dizaei may not be able to wear a uniform in public right now, he's been suspended from the force. One can but dream that this might lead to him being subsequently suspended by the neck, but alas I fear no such luck. And meanwhile, his pal Mr Ghaffur is probably too busy asking Max Clifford for hints on how best to appear for the Press.