We are the Future
What the islamofacists are teaching their children, how long will this jihad go on for if it is being brainwashed into children from birth?
This is one of 1kewldude3 earlier videos and I think one of hist best. How the hell can we find common ground with people like these shown in the video who do those kind of things to their own children? We cannot. No more than we could reason with a rabid dog.
The negative portrayal of Islam is always cast as some invention of the racist right but the fact is that there is simply no need for anyone to invent anything about the nature of Islam, you only need to look at and report on the things done in its name in some 52+ Islamic states.
Are people totally blind?
Wednesday May 28,2008
Leo McKinstry
NOTHING exposes the hypocrisy of Left-wing politics more graphically than the issue of immigration.
Labour ideologues constantly tell us how much our society benefits from a mass influx of foreigners, both by strengthening the economy and adding to the richness of our culture.
But this is just empty In reality mass immigration has deepened poverty, driven down living propaganda. standards, pushed up taxes, promoted social dislocation, exacerbated crime and stretched public services to breaking point.
The winners from immigration are the corporate employers and the affluent, nanny-employing class who are insulated by their wealth from the breakdown in social cohesion. The losers are the very people whom Labour used to represent – the traditional British working class who find their communities dissolved, their jobs taken and their support networks shattered.
Far from heralding a new era of prosperity, as the Labour Party claims, mass immigration has actually worsened the economic prospects of a large section of our society.
This is partly because wage bills have been forced down by ruthless competition at the bottom end of the employment market, where British citizens with family responsibilities and mortgages struggle against foreign newcomers who are able to accept far lower pay rates.
For all the Government’s boasting about record levels of employment, more than 80 per cent of new jobs go to immigrants while the number of Britons in work has declined since Labour came to power.
But there is another way in which immigration has entrenched poverty and unemployment. Just as the destruction of our borders has served the purposes of an unpatriotic, irresponsible brand of cut-throat capitalism so it has also reinforced the culture of dependency on the welfare state.
While migrants fill most of the vacancies in our economy an army of benefits claimants has been allowed to remain on the economic scrapheap, devoid of ambition or skills.
Labour came to power with a promise to “think the unthinkable” Yet as the Conservatives’ Work and Pensions spokesman about the welfare state. Chris Grayling pointed out in a tough speech yesterday, immigration has been used by the Government as a substitute for benefits reform.
All Labour’s big promises about radical change of the benefits have proved hollow. Instead there has been only an extension of state bureaucracy through schemes No scroungers have ever had their handouts like the New Deal or Sure Start. withdrawn because of their refusal to take a job.
Instead of reinforcing a system that encourages idleness, Labour should have copied the reforms of Bill Clinton’s administration in the Nineties in America which have meant that benefit claims are strictly limited to two years in succession or five years in total during a working lifetime.
Contrary to predictions that Clinton’s plan would result in mass poverty, the measures have led to a dramatic increase in employment and fall in welfare rolls.
That is what we needed in Rather than being Britain but we have ended up with the worst of all worlds. tightened the welfare system has been expanded remorselessly, with its annual As a result, millions of claimants have been cost now reaching £170billion. under no pressure to enter the world of work.
Meanwhile, levels of migration have soared in response to demand from employers. According to the Government’s own statistics, at least 500,000 foreigners are arriving here annually and that figure does not include illegal migrants and bogus refugees.
It is the economics of the lunatic asylum to import millions of foreigners to carry out the work which could be done by the 5.5 million Britons who are paid by the State to remain unemployed. But it suits the institutional self-loathing of the anti-British metropolitan elite to maintain this perverse, almost schizophrenic approach.
For in this way the indigenous working-class can be portrayed as lazy slobs while immigrants are hailed as industrious heroes, full of self-sacrifice and diligence who take on jobs the feckless British will not. Such imagery fulfils the determination of the politically correct brigade to brainwash the public into accepting our transformation into a multi-cultural land of immigrants. This manipulative agenda is, however, shot through with holes.
The truth is that immigrants are far more likely to be unemployed than Britons. Indeed, many come here precisely because of the generosity of our welfare state, as demonstrated by the hordes of aggressive young men claiming to be refugees who gather in northern France in the hope of reaching the land of the cash payout.
In practice our benefits system is encouraging the import of poverty from the Third Moreover, the institutionalised obsession with anti-racism and diversity World. means that public-sector employers operate a deliberate bias against British applicants.
This is all too apparent in the NHS, for instance, where vast numbers of foreign staff are recruited and British-trained doctors and nurses often struggle to find work.
It is sickening that the British working-class, once the backbone of our country, should be derided as bigots simply because they object to the way immigration is destroying their livelihoods and neighbourhoods.
Living in the areas of high migration they are the ones who are really paying the price for social upheaval, not the smug affluent liberals who enjoy the benefits of cheap labour without having to worry about the consequences.
In effect the British working class are being asked to celebrate the betrayal they have endured at the hands of the political elite.
Immigration everywhere in the West has been a disaster. In Canada immigrants are 200% to 400% more likely than native born to be unemployed. After 10 years they're 150% more likely to be unemployed than native born. Statistics Canada says the immigrants are unemployed and unemployable because they lack education and language skills. Yet, we are told we need these loafers to fill all the jobs our economy is making.
We can blame these free loaders but the real blame rests with the voters. Dhimmi politicians must be branded traitors and voted out of office. Each day we delay solving this politically makes the military solution more likely and more bloody.
Check out the histories of Muslim countries. Marco Polo found Muslims to be violent and nasty no matter where he found them. Muslim hate is not a new thing and it isn't going to change. Islam of any kind has no place in the West.
When England and Europe are taken over, where in God's creation do you think white people will be accepted? Canada is intent on becoming non-white!
Western men need to wake up. Our grandchildren will count us heroes or spit on our graves, depending on our decisions and resolve today.
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