Introducing - Political Correctness - The awful truth
There is a site that has come to my attention that I think deserves a wider readership. I have just cut the following from it as a taster. For the real thing go and read more Political Correctness - The awful truth.
When Rebecca Trebble found that her car had been vandalised, she expected the police to treat her as a victim of a crime. Even when they told her they were not sending an officer to investigate what they regarded as a minor matter, she thought they would at least care about her plight. But when she wrote to them complaining about her treatment, the local police chief in Taunton, Somerset replied that whoever had damaged her car was a victim deserving of sympathy too. Superintendent John Snell wrote back:The image refers to a short story which some of you may have read or perhaps seen the televised version of in The Twilight Zone. Please read the link here. It's a Good Life.
"Whilst I have every sympathy with you being the victim of crime, the position regarding victims is not limited to those who suffer as you have done. Many of those who are responsible for the commission of such minor crimes could be considered to be victims themselves. To my knowledge some of our prolific offenders are heroin addicts who live in the very worst housing conditions in our area in relative poverty. It is also true many of them are from broken homes and really have miserable family backgrounds. I know this is no excuse and it is difficult to sympathise with such individuals when they commit crime; however, I do think sometimes we should give a thought to those less fortunate than ourselves"
Miss Trebble, a 21yr old financial assistant, said yesterday: "I was shocked. I felt I was being patronised and that he was lecturing me. To suggest the criminal was as much the victim was amazing. That's just not what you expect from the police."
This was published in the Daily Mail in February 1999 (which I have taken from Peter Hitchen's excellent book 'The Abolition of Liberty').
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