Councillor Joy Garner and the BNP
I have seen some sneaky attacks on the British National Party in my time but Joy Garner, Leader of the Labour Group in Stoke on Trent has made a move new to me.
In a press release to the rag Sentinel she has launched a personal attack on a Mr Steve Davies who has an off-licence in Burslem the ward she was elected to represent.
Mr Ward has been campaigning against the siting of a taxi rank outside his shop and one wonders if there was a political motive for the taxi ranks planned new location.
Because as she reveals in her press release, Steve is a member of the British National Party and she sends him this message;
Steve, the people of Burslem over many years have shown their fondness for beer, but please leave your BNP campaigns in Alsager as they are not wanted in Burslem. For as long as I can remember, people from different backgrounds have got along together in Burslem.What difference does Mr Davies membership of the BNP have to do with the siting of a taxi rank? Does she hope by revealing the fact that he is a patriot and giving the address of his business out via The Sentinel that some state paid thug will burn him out of town?
If you are one of those people who are inclined to put pen to paper or pick up a phone then here are Joy's details taken from City of Stoke on Trent Council and Democracy site.
Home Address:
57 Greenbank Road
Phone: (01782) 768846
Mobile: 07986 442770
Bus. Email:
You can also register on the rag Sentinel and leave a comment of support.
Just made a comment to that vindictive bitch JOY GARNER in that rags comments on the article !
Joy Garner - she looks as lumpy and ugly as her labour politics. What a dreadful sack of lard, all she needs is an apple in her mouth, then put on a tray in a butchers shop.
Left a comment with the paper. Nothing rash: I'm actually a mild mannered person by nature.
Strange thing is I was actually already registered with the rag. I regularly post reactions and I suppose that this one is part of a group of papers with which I am already registered.
I dont believe it Kinsman, that rag The Sentinel removed my comment hahaha ! We people are being censored !!!
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