Laura Moffatt MP and the BNP
Good Lord. No wonder the Labour Party voters are turning away from Zanu Labour in droves, if Crawley MP, Laura Moffatt is anything to go by. She must be as thick as a brick or maybe even a breeze block. Either way she is thick.
This stupid woman, who says that "We value the contribution of our minority Communities", no we don't, is wondering what the British National Party have to be ashamed about because they have not invited her to a Christmas Party. Even worse they will not tell her where it is.
"In my experience such events are openly advertised to members and supporters. I have never experienced people being invited to meet in a car park in order to be given the secret venue. What are they ashamed of?"The BNP are ashamed of nothing. Surely she realises that the reason the British National Party does not reveal locations of meetings and Christmas Parties, is because, the state paid agents of Searchlight, along with paid trade unionists, would try to find a way of preventing them. Either through threats to the owners of the premises or by physically threatening those attending.
Laura is your typical Labour Yes Woman and does exactly as instructed as you can see from her shameful voting record.
- Voted against a transparent Parliament.
- Voted for introducing a smoking ban.
- Voted for introducing ID cards.
- Voted for Labour's anti-terrorism laws.
- Voted for the Iraq war.
- Voted against an investigation into the Iraq war.
- Voted for the hunting ban.
- Voted for equal gay rights.
You want to know something? I'll tell you. Laura Moffat has the proverbial wafer thin majority of just 37 votes. No wonder she is tucking away those expenses. She is going to be out of a job come the next General Election and will need every penny she can squeeze from the public purse.
It will also come as no surprise to find that Laura is also on the emailing list of the communist Searchlight/UAF organisation ( and also listed as one of their supporters here.
So now we know why she really hates the BNP. They are going to push her off the gravy train.
Now come on everybody....
Labour's ms Moffat, sat on her fatwallet, counting her expenses today, along came a BNP insider, who sat down beside her, and frightened ms Moffat away...
And as well as being a typical Labour "yes" woman, take off the Eric Morecambe specs and she looks just like the rest of them. Is this the result of the NWO eugenics programme, that all women should end up looking like Harpersons?...If so then I wouldnt want to live forever thank you
Hoorah indeed GA!
Seeing what the leftist are up to in Greece and now other countries (again) I am not suprised people would be wary.
Brilliant, loved the comparison to the late great Eric.
She should have gone to Specsavers. Just mocked her myself an given you a hat tip.
Well Laura Moffatt M.P.broke down in tears after several recounts thus winning her seat by 37 votes. To celebrate this historic win she had 37. and a red rose tattoed on her left buttock which she gladly shows off to remind everyone she meets of her narrow victory in the last election. Its a sight I wouldnt like to see and I cetainly cant see her win again so no more tattoed lady !!!!!
The naughty old miffter. lmao.
Just been round the dark side of the blogosphere and the Usual Suspects are getting their undergarments in a helix regarding 'Racism cut both ways'. It must be bang on target if its attracting so much flak.
Maybe a few copies should be distributed in Ms Muffet's constituency. It only needs to persuade 38 voters...
Firstly, well done to that newspaper for dropping the "far-right"/"extreme-right" label and opting instead for "right-wing" (though the BNP's vision pertaining to economics and freedom is anything but "right-wing"). Still, this mediocre label is at least progress. Compare this to the Mirror's "Nazi" and "fascist" labels -tags they clearly have no conception and interpretation of.
Anyway, is there a State-speak textbook from which State servitors and their fellow-travellers in the Left reiterate from? This is a serious question. Every comment with regard to the BNP and the multi-cult is almost word perfect in comparison. Is there some computer programme that could sift through all these nauseating spiels and find the uncanny and therefore frighteningly comparative reoccurrence of the ubiquitous element in each statement of this conditioned State-speak?
Reject this state, reject this society. Free yourselves. Put your money into land, property, and defensive wares -now, before all money loses its value.
Some great comments there guys. I am still laughing at Little Miss Moffat.
With regards to the tattoo, I wonder if she will updated it with a minus number come the elections.
Wasn't miss moffatt a transvestite in the film silence of the lambs,seeking medical help from hanibal the canibal Dr Lecter ?
Crawley MP Little Miss Moffatt claims that:
"We value the contribution our minority communities make to the town."
I wonder how much she values the "contributions" of the ludicrously named Islamic terrorist Omar Khyam and his gang, some of whom lived in Crawley. The peaceful Mr Khyam and his fellow followers of the "religion of peace" planned to blow up Bluewater and the Ministry of Sound nightclub.
Apparently, the peaceful Mr Khyam "acquired aluminium powder for the potential bombs, some of which he hid near his garden shed at his home in Crawley."
or the contribution to the internet of a web site set up by teh religion of peace activists to groom Sikh girls in her multi cult wonderland
I thought it was Thora Hird. Must have been the rhyming slang thing that threw me :)
Maybe she'll be one of the "virgins" our enricher chums are promised when they enter Mohammed's knocking shop.
That'd make 'em think twice!
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