Songs of Provocation, the Epilogue.
While this event did not make the MSM or the TV news it should nevertheless be documented for future generations to prove that their forefathers, foremother’s fore-aunts, fore-uncles, fore-nephews and nieces….. You get the general idea, did make a stand for freedom before the Eurabia Curtain finally descended right across Europe, and plunged the land into darkness.
This forgotten moment of passive resistance took place about the time all the European countries had signed the last EU treaty, the treaty of Berlin. It was the defining moment when the lights went out all over the land, and this dark period of the total reformation went on to encompass the whole land mass of Europe. Was this to be another 1000 year Reich?
The British National Party whose numbers in the UK had swelled to the point that even Brussels were concerned that if they were to take power they just might call for a referendum on self government for their people but more disturbingly, demand freedom of speech.
A rally had been organised in a farmer’s field for British National Party supporters, sympathisers, members and closet admirers. There were jumpy castles, ice cream and Punch and Judy shows for the children and face painting for the mums and dads.
What came as a complete surprise to everyone was the arrival of the two politically active street buskers who were now celebrities in their own right after the fracas in the Kingston Mall. They had even made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, been pursued by the paparazzi on motor bikes and were due for auditions for Celebrity Survivor.
I must admit I did experience a certain amount of ominous unease and dark foreboding as to the direction the afternoon was about to take. I had noticed the Banjo player had stuck a small English flag decal on the peg head of his banjo. Did he really want to become a martyr to the cause? Perhaps he was tired of life. People do end their life prematurely. Was it deliberate provocation aimed squarely at her Majesties State Police Force? Maybe the future for his country was too terrible to contemplate, who knows?
The State Police Force had been bussed in from neighbouring counties to control the vast numbers of supporters but more importantly to keep an eye on some very strange, unkempt, wild eyed humanoids that were circling the crowds but keeping their distance, like carrion looking for any wounded animal to pull down or dead carcases to feed on. They appeared human enough except their knuckles dragged on the ground.
They would take one step forward and then six steps back if they felt their person was about to be violated. Their leader an aging, grey haired be-spectacled Mr. Garry Bagels, an immigrant from the Holy Land urged his comrades to keep their red flags high and to chant words of derision and obscenities that were inaudible due to the large numbers of people.
I noticed that one of his disciples, a young skinny unwashed female with black lipstick had her Castro tee shirt on back to front, and inside out with a label informing all and sundry that the item she was wearing was made in Taiwan. There was a middle aged lady wearing a tweed coat and trousers and sporting close cropped hair with the faintest suspicion of a moustache, she reminded me of Aunt Gladys.
Gladys never married you know. We never understood why.
As the first verse of Rule Britannia rang out across the vast crowd I noticed the Policemen nervously fingering their batons. The two overweight lady Policemen tried to adjust their stab proof vests over their well endowed physical attributes and the diminutive be-meddled police commissioner was noticeably sweating. When the song had finished the applause was rapturous.
What followed next does not bear thinking about. It was at this point the buskers were faced with a terrible dilemma, a possibly life threatening decision when a small voice from the crowd called out ‘Sing Jerusalem” The cry was taken up by the crowd who chanted. “WE WANT JERUSALEM! WE WANT JERUSALEM!” You must understand this song had long been deemed to be racist and inflammatory by the authorities, and the singing of it meant instant arrest.
The Mouth Organ player turned to the Banjoist and whispered, “Right Jack, four in. One, Two, Three, Four” The words of the English poet William Blake and Parry’s music rang out across the sunny English countryside, words from a long time past sung with undisguised patriotic fervour;
Walk upon England’s mountains green.
It was not a pretty sight. The muffled order appeared to come from the Police Commissioner. “CHARGE!” A swathe was cut through the crowd as the State Policemen headed for the Buskers. I would rather not discuss the terrible events that followed the order to ‘Charge’ other than to say that this time the buskers were not so fortunate. This time the mouth organ was confiscated on order of a Senior Policeman.
The banjoist later told the court that a Lady Policeman maliciously tightened up his tuning pegs and broke all his strings, an accusation that the judge dismissed as reckless and frivolous. In passing, to fully explain the ferocity of the afternoon events, two jumpy castles were wrecked, and Punch went missing.
One bystander said he witnessed a burly Somali lady policeman stuffing Punch down her blouse. Perhaps she had children. Who knows?
The Buskers escaped with a caution as their solicitor, when asking for leniency, told the judge both his clients were physically and sexually abused as children, got hooked on drugs and alcohol whilst at primary school, left full time education at ten and were politically naïve and easily led but were prepared to attend Racial Awareness and Diversity Enrichment courses to advanced level at evening classes and do volunteer work in deprived visibly ethnic clusters.
Oh! I forgot, and were deeply remorseful for their transgressions.
As a footnote the BBC TV will be doing a hard hitting, no holds barred documentary on the ever-growing scourge of patriotic parties whose manifesto is to immediately stop uncontrolled immigration, take rape and reverse discrimination seriously and make the country a safer place to live in.
Good news for the people who support Ron Paul and other honest politicians.
There has been a yearlong slide in News Corp's share price.
This is due to such things as the internet, said the company's chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch to his shareholders. (BBC - Murdoch says share price 'rotten')
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp owns a large chunk of the mainstream media, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Fox News, My Space, Harper Collins, The Australian, and the Fiji Times.
Rupert Murdoch is one of the secret rulers of the world.
He helps to decide US and UK foreign policy.
He champions Hilary Clinton.
Rupert Murdoch's publications worldwide strongly supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
During the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, all 175 Murdoch-owned newspapers worldwide editorialized in favor of the war.[16]
Gaby Hinsliff in the, 23 July 2006, wrote (The PM, the mogul and the secret agenda):
"'I always took the view that Tony Blair's real Europe minister was (political editor of Murdoch's Sun newspaper) Trevor Kavanagh,' says Cook's then special adviser, David Clark...
"Murdoch's pro-American, pro-Israeli, pro-military intervention stance on the war on terrorism is faithfully reflected in Downing Street.
"His close associate Irwin Stelzer ...argued in an article last week that Israel must be allowed to 'finish the job' and attacked Iran and Syria for fuelling the conflict, a position Blair echoes publicly."
worldeconomicforum at
According to (Radio Islam: Who controls the British media?):
"Murdoch's mother E J Greene is from a Jewish family.
"Murdoch was able to build up his media empire with the financial backing of Jewish billionaires such as Oppenheimer (diamond cartel billionaire) and Rothschild (banking billionaire)."
Rupert Murdoch's Hidden Jewish Roots by Christopher Bollyn of American Free Press
According to Richard H. Curtiss, editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Murdoch “became an American citizen for business reasons...
“Rupert’s father, Sir Keith Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher, and his mother an Orthodox Jew, although Murdoch never offers that information in his biographies.”
Murdoch’s father married Elisabeth Joy Greene, daughter of Rupert Greene in 1928...
According to Candour (UK) magazine: “Rupert’s father Sir Keith Murdoch attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene.
"Through his wife’s connections, Keith Murdoch was subsequently promoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked.
"There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town... For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew.”
JERUSALEM! National Anthem? Yes I will go with that.
God save the Queen? Question is, who is she saving England for, Brussels?
She has countersigned every EU treaty placed before her. 2009 will be the year of the final car boot sale, a treaty which she will again countersign.
This sceptered Isle will then consist of 9 nondescript western regions of the EUSSR.
Yes I like Jerusalem as a National Anthem, there is a clean and wholesome patriotic feeling to its words.
Patriotism! I havent heard that expression for a long, long time. its been deemed rascist by our far left socialist government.
Why should I advocate saving the Queen, perhaps she can explain to her people exactly why she is not saving our country from the oligarchy of future Eurabia.
For those that mumble the words here they are; and whilst you sing along remember that England’s green & pleasant Land is been stolen from under your feet, just like America is to be stolen from it's people with the collapse of the banks and the collapse of the bailout funding for the motor industry.
When, oh when are the people going to wake up!
Aye, gimme 'nother ale. Owt ont' telly luv?
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark satanic mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land.
I was just looking at youtube and listeing to different versions of Jerusalem.
This one has the best kind of images I have seen and I havent heard that verssion of Jerusalem sung before.
I am looking for images like those and a certain version of Jerusalem to be inculded in a video for St Georges Day.
I was just looking at youtube and listeing to different versions of Jerusalem.
This one has the best kind of images I have seen and I havent heard that verssion of Jerusalem sung before.
I am looking for images like those and a certain version of Jerusalem to be inculded in a video for St Georges Day.
"And did those feet in ancient times
Walk upon England’s mountains green."
How many nowadays are aware that those words by William Blake refer to an historical fact. A fact made irrefutable by the research and publications of such men as Bertrand Comparet and Wesley Swift to name but two.
Such historicity was once widely understood and even taught to our children but it has now become not only lost, but also forbidden knowledge in this 'Brith Ain' or Covenant Land.
A short Wiki on the subject can be read here:
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