English Witness
English Witness to their darkest hour
by P Scrivener
Athelney £10.94. pp174
English witness to their darkest hour is a compendium of experiences and insights from ordinary people and some honourable commentators in the media who speak for them.
It is not so much controversial as shocking: but not shocking in the conventional sense of, say, porn on TV, but the revelation of a situation that is not officially recognised - the move to an oppressive, totalitarian state and what that means to people in practice.
Many innocent readers will be moved to sadness and despair by the impact of so many examples of injustice and official cruelty. The oppressors, the elites, are based not on birth, blood or land but expressing the correct ideological thoughts and any who say the wrong thing have their career publicly destroyed like genome scientist James Watson or the unsophisticated media creation Jade Goody in a media show trial as they are driven out of the elite and publicly to keep others in line. Their attitude grows out of prejudice against the English and in favour of ethnic minorities.
The English are usually accused of perpetrating evils like colonialism, racism, imperialism on other people but author Pat Scrivener shows with examples that that is what the authorities are doing to the English. The book is permeated with a sense of anxiety for the future, of not being allowed to speak against the abuses by the authorities. This book has to speak for itself as no mere description would give the real sense of it. There is no appropriate genre for contemporary revelation.
From the Author’s note the pervading sense of fear in the country is revealed. Her daughter, ”then ten, begged me not to write this book. She did not want to lose me to Labour’s racist regime” and this sets the tone for an Orwellian journey. How did it start?
The late Lord Deramore writes in the foreword that in 1945 with the election of Atlee we got our first statist government: “...in 1911, we were ruled by a democratic Government elected by a smaller franchise, today we have an autocratic government elected by a much larger franchise.”
Leading newspaper columnists like Richard Littlejohn: ”From day one - or Year Zero as I christened it in the Mail back in 1997 - Labour has set out to destroy England as we knew it.
While the Welsh and the Scots have been given their own parliaments and the IRA encouraged to take over Northern Ireland, the English have been subjugated, abused and ignored.
Mass immigration - legal and illegal - has transformed parts of England into foreign countries. State control as often is accompanied by lawlessness. In the chapter on Violent Crime Theodore Dalrymple tells how “surgeons” at the hospital he worked at “grow experienced in the treatment of gunshot wounds, when a few years ago they had no experience at all” and Peter Hitchins : “How much longer are the British going to put up with the way they are being ignored by those who claim to be in charge of the country? ...crime and disorder are out of control. But the safe, wealthy elite scornfully dismiss people such as me as alarmists”. He has had letters from people all over the country who are “baffled, afraid, dispirited and angry.” This book is part of ceasing to put up with it.
Labour MP Frank Field compares it with Stalin's forced migration in the Ukraine. Entire neighborhoods are being ethnically cleansed - and it's the English who are getting out of town.”
There are quotes from English people who are so broken down by the ruling elites that they guiltily explain they are not racist even when they are the victims of assault.
They have learnt from experience how dishonest are the media who promote the ideology that English people are racist while ethnic minorities are victims: a Daily Telegraph report of a woman who had been assaulted by Black schoolgirls on a bus and had a bone knocked through the skin of an arm. The paper commented: ”She maintains she is not a racist.” An anonymous remark from a TV documentary on “hate crime” from March 2001: “It portrayed racism as a purely White on Black activity. The subtle way the camera kept panning to a flag of St.George - which could have been in any innocent setting or one set up for the programme - forced a connection between racism and the flag.”
On oppression we hear from “Steve” “I find myself waiting in long queues in the post office to watch with amazement as asylum seekers and immigrants get their own counter. I see discrimination justified by liberals and lefties who believe special interest groups for ethnics are not divisive but also necessary, but if one suggests a special interest for whites its classed as racist or imperialist.”
This highlights the underlying difficulty. The elites are prejudiced against us and in favour of the ”ethnics” and this is how it translates into practice.
A dangerous side to this is highlighted in “National Security.” Phillip Johnston wrote in the Daily Telegraph after 9/11" Britain not only lets in people who supports terrorists but also often thwarted efforts to extradite suspected terrorists. More than half a dozen governments had filed protests with the Foreign Office about their presence...Egypt denounced Britain for” protecting killers.”
Former Conservative transport Minister with responsibility for the Channel Tunnel, Sir David Mitchell:” I’m at a loss to understand why the government doesn’t take effective action to stop illegal immigrants using the chunnel”.
The UK frontier is effectively at Calais he explained ...It’s a dereliction of duty to exercise immigration controls at the front door of the tunnel but and turn a blind eye to those who walk in by the side door.” They don’t want to. They are surrendering us to Eurabia.
Under Conquest and Imperialism Phillip Seddon writes” There can be few worse punishments for the young than to be taught to despise their own heritage, or at best that it is only one of many equal options. Herein also lies the poor performance of Luton as a whole in nation-wide school league tables...” This was from “The Popular Press” as many are from internet groups so this recognition of the real situation is spreading. It is easy to see why they want to get the internet under their control.
An exemplar of the chapter on Oppression is Jim of an internet newsgroup: “A man in Portsmouth was fined for remonstrating with Muslims who were openly celebrating the anniversary of 9/22. If he had not changed his plea to guilty to race hatred he was told he could got to jail. This man could not speak the truth.”
The editor adds an infamous example from Liverpool in 1999 when a 78 year-old was arrested and charged with criminal damage for posting UKIP posters and writing “Don’t forget the 1945 war” and “Free speech for England.” Because he had referred to England it was classed as “racially aggravated.”
These are the shocking cases reported in the media and so devoid of common sense they are described as “Political Correctness gone mad.” What P. Scrivener has done is take what whites are accused of doing to ethnic minorities and show that in reality the authorities are doing it to the English. This book heralds a re-learning curve.
A big shock is the penultimate chapter that deals with, wait for it, the genocide of the English! Dr. Anthony Daniels:”One obvious explanation (of the increase in TB in the Western world) makes officials uneasy that there has been a virtual conspiracy of silence about it.
The explanation is the vast population movement from areas of high prevalence of the disease such as Africa and Asia, to areas of much lower prevalence , such as Western Europe and North America.” An explanation from a TB in March 2003. “...includes the deliberate importation of diseases by refusing to screen incomers, which kill members of the British Community, such as AIDS/HIV, hepatitus, TB, etc. It also includes the deliberate importation of individuals from communities which have a higher violent crime rate than the British Community, thus increasing the death rate among the British.”
Mog states: "Just look at the abortion business. Killing English babies and then complaining we are under-populated and need to import immigrants. I really see something sinister.”
The sense of injustice people feel is here. Gayle Hall had a letter in the Sunday Telegraph "I was deeply upset to read about asylum seekers receiving fertility treatment on the NHS. As a British citizen and taxpayer , I was refused treatment as my local authority refused to pay".
The final chapter brings us back down with who is to blame. Like most reasonable people she finds culpability with the dominant ideological elites who act against the interests of the English not the immigrants who are behaving naturally in looking after their own interests.
But this eclectic and electric book details the reality. The Utopian project requires everything to be used as propaganda, social engineering and legal coercion as people have to be moulded or coerced into the future state - the basis of the totalitarian regimes of the last century as seen in Soviet Russia, Mao's China, Nazi Germany and Cambodia under Pol Pot.
This entails discrimination in favouror ethnics and discrimination against the English in their own country by their elected representatives. This will shock many who are not aware of what is happening because media propaganda has confused them.
Those who think they are the victims of anti-English discrimination are invited to contact The English Lobby.
Thanks GA for this very important link.
It is the disgusting 'ethnocide by stealth' - against the indigenous English, especially - that must be given full and urgent publicity.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences."- C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), British novelist
Nice quote and an ever better link thanks to Watling.
Thanks to you both.
yes, it's becoming more obvious everyday.
Get all those lazy British scroungers of their benefits, and make them work for those asylum seekers and their plentiful offspring.
Get those working people out of their own houses, and make space for those ethnic families.
Reward those black knife criminals with yoof centres, for killing the British youngsters.
Close those pubs, and build mosques.
Make the elderly move to Spain to retire, kill the others through negligence, make space for the invaders.
Where has Great Britain gone?
I regard the English Lobby as a false flag operation like the loathsome English Democrats Psrty. They rfuse to define who they mean by English and as they are run by the same people, we know what they are by the EDP election candidates from other ethnic groups yet described as English. They should state clearly who they mean and stop trying to deceive people.
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