Jack Black Writes
I have copied a recent post made by Jack Black over on the Stormfront Forum. I would have thanked him there but am currently banned from the site. I am sure he will not mind me pushing the story which is also covered in depth at the BNP Site here. Cheers Jack.
On 28 November 2008, European Justice Commissioner, Jacques Barrot, informed us that, throughout the EU, the courts will soon be able to imprison those who dare to tell globalist truths the EU bosses do not want told.
Here is what he said at the Press Conference:
It took nearly seven years of negotiations to achieve this... I welcome the introduction of strict and effective sanctions against these violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms which are common principles for European countries... Racism and xenophobia have no place in Europe, and should have no part in the world. |
The Justice Department of the EU will, of course, be able to determine what constitutes "incitement".
For example, should I wish to warn the British people (as I do at the iamanenglishman site and elsewhere) that a black individual living in Britain is at least a 100 times more likely to murder a white individual (an Asian is about 25 times more likely) than the other way around, (according to extrapolations drawn from the 2005 and 2006 British Crime Survey) I could be imprisoned for 3 years. Even though I would be telling the truth.
This because EU laywers could argue that such information might "incite violence or hatred".
The agreement consolidates this anti-indigenous law by making indirect reference to internet incitement thus:
"... by public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material".
Truth-telling forums like this one will, therefore, almost certainly be outlawed in the UK.
Some will say that laws like this already exist in our own statute book so not a lot should change.
It is true that such laws exist but the government has been loath to use them because of the flak it would draw from just about everywhere. Whoever is in power in this country will soon, however, be able to blame any future clampdown on the EU, just as they do now with the EU's "human rights" legislation, which is used, ad nauseam, to prevent us deporting those who break our laws.
The crime of the near future cited below does NOT appear on our statute books:
The apology, denial or gross trivialization of public crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the International Criminal Court. |
On 22 November 2004, BBC News reported thus:
Mr Barrot... RECEIVED A SUSPENDED JAIL TERM IN A PARTY FUNDING CASE IN 2000, but it was automatically erased by a 1995 presidential amnesty. |
On 15 December 2007, Barroso spoke of his desire to create a New World Order, in alliance with Africa.
At the summit of the European and African Unions in Lisbon, he said:
Imagine if we showed that with 1.5 billion people and 80 countries - almost half the UN membership - we can make a real impact, both regionally and as global partners. |
And yet, after Romania and Bulgaria had been brought into the ever increasing EU circle, Barroso had previously said:
That's it. No more EU expansion. |
JOSE MANUEL BARROSO HAS A REVOLUTIONARY PAST… At 18, THE FUTURE PRESIDENT OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION WAS A MAOIST... Unlike many European students of the early 1970s, who took to the streets as an amusing diversion from comfortable middle-class lives, Barroso was caught up in a genuine revolution in Portugal. On April 25 1974, a month after his 18th birthday, the young law student found himself on the streets of Lisbon as the rightwing Portuguese dictatorship finally fell... ‘I am very proud of that period,’ Barroso, now 49, says of his former clandestine life... As Portugal's centre-right prime minister, who rammed through controversial economic reforms in the face of a recession, BARROSO WAS A NATURAL SOULMATE FOR MR BLAIR, WHO SKILLFULLY ENGINEERED HIS APPOINTMENT AS COMMISSION PRESIDENT LAST YEAR… Barroso adopts a headmasterly tone as he reminds the prime minister that he now has to put Europe's interests first during the six-month presidency. ‘Tony Blair has shown great leadership qualities in Britain. I hope he will show now the same leadership qualities in Europe. For that he needs an approach that is inclusive. Dynamic yes. But inclusive'. |
"A Maoist"? "Very proud of that period"?
I guess this is why the "inclusive" Mr Barroso would be a "natural soulmate for Mr Blair".
On 16 January 2008, Jerome R. Corsi published The New World Disorder at WorldNetDaily.com.
This, in part, is what was said:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Bush AND EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESIDENT JOSE MANUEL BARROSO at a White House summit meeting last April where they launched the Transatlantic Economic Council... The plan – currently being implemented by the Bush administration with the formation of the Transatlantic Economic Council in April 2007 – appears to be following a plan written in 1939 by a WORLD-GOVERNMENT advocate who sought to create a Transatlantic Union as an international governing body. An economist from the World Bank has argued in print that the formation of THE TRANSATLANTIC COMMON MARKET IS DESIGNED TO FOLLOW THE BLUEPRINT OF JEAN MONNET, A KEY INTELLECTUAL ARCHITECT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, RECOGNIZING THAT ECONOMIC INTEGRATION MUST INEVITABLY LEAD TO POLITICAL INTEGRATION... Writing in the Fall 2007 issue of the Streit Council journal "Freedom and Union"... Bennett... confirmed that what has become known as THE "MERKEL INITIATIVE" WOULD ALLOW THE TRANSATLANTIC ECONOMIC COUNCIL TO INTEGRATE AND HARMONIZE ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS BETWEEN THE U.S. AND THE EU 'IN A VERY QUIET WAY'... The Streit Council is named after CLARENCE K. STREIT, WHOSE 1939 BOOK 'UNION NOW' CALLED FOR THE CREATION OF A TRANSATLANTIC UNION AS A STEP TOWARD WORLD GOVERNMENT... World Bank economist Domenec Ruiz Devesa openly acknowledged that: 'Transatlantic economic integration, though important in itself, is not the end. As understood by Jean Monnet... ECONOMIC INTEGRATION MUST AND WILL LEAD TO POLITICAL INTEGRATION'... The Transatlantic Economic Council is an official international governmental body ESTABLISHED BY EXECUTIVE FIAT IN THE U.S. AND THE EU WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL OR OVERSIGHT. NO NEW LAW OR TREATY WAS SOUGHT BY THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION TO APPROVE OR IMPLEMENT THE PLAN TO CREATE A TRANSATLANTIC COMMON MARKET... Today, the website of the Transatlantic Economic Council openly proclaims THE TEC IS: 'A POLITICAL BODY TO OVERSEE AND ACCELERATE GOVERNMENT-TO-GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA'. |
As our very own Gordon Brown said to The Washington Post recently:
THE GLOBAL PROBLEMS WE FACE REQUIRE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS… Visionary internationalism is needed to resolve the crises and challenges of a different age. And the greatest of global challenges demands of us the boldest of global cooperation.. There are no Britain-only or Europe-only or America-only solutions to today's problems. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. |
Here are some of the things he said:
The demographic situation of Europe means a need for focused migration... IMMIGRATION IS BOTH AN ECONOMIC AND MORAL OBLIGATION... The states are COMPELLED TO MUTUAL SOLIDARITY! |
Let’s compel Europe's individual states to swamp themselves with all manner of enriching types not the least bit like them!
We are considering a resettlement program for Iraqi refugees in Europe. |
That Gulf War II provided all sorts of nice bonuses for us global villagers!
I am not at all certain that this desire to close the borders, this SECURITY-OBSESSED VISION of migratory flux is the most prevalent. |
Jail them for three years if they complain!
Seeing Islam as antagonist to European values is totally partial and erroneous. |
Once pluralism is accepted by Islam, in Europe at least, Islam is welcome. |
Barrot, Barroso and Blair will know this.
"Welcoming Islam" is code for European surrender to the non-indigenous.
At Jacques Barrot's November 28 press conference, we were told that his truth-suppressing EU laws could be created and implemented in less than two months.
"Free speech", eh?
"Britons never, never, never shall be slaves", eh?
"An Englishman's home is his castle", eh?
"This sceptred isle", eh?
"We band of brothers", eh?
"Cry, God, for Harry, England and St George", eh?
Well, here we are, folks.
According to the thieving Frog, Jacques Barrot, his Maoist boss, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the globalist traitors in Westminster, everything that went before was all balls.
You happy with this?
Barrot and Barroso are pictured below:

Excellent essay Jack, thanks to you and to GA for posting it.
Am I happy with it? AM I F**K.
I've been saying for the past 4 years (since I found the BNP - I used to be a multicult liberal till I woke up) that we are at war with our own government and with the commissars of the EUSSR who are trying to destroy our nation by non-military means - at the moment but the EGF will change that no doubt.
I've been laughed at, spat at, been on the receiving end of the usual verbals - "Racist bastard, Nazi scum etc." to the ignorant "you're crazy it won't happen" and also endured a kicking or two for my troubles.
The problem Jack is that many Brits just don't care and are entirely brainwashed by the bollocks they watch on TV.
Will the BNP reach them? God I hope so but sometimes my fellow countrymen exasperate me so much with their indifference to what is happening - both with the EU and Islam - I get so angry I feel they deserve the terrible fate that is being planned for them.
We're running out of time. The BNP HAVE to start playing on a bigger stage starting with the EU elections next year. That there shouldn't be EU elections next year because the French, Dutch and recently the Irish voted against it doesn't seem to register with many. Certainly not with the anti-democratic marxist commissars riding the EUSSR gravy train for all its worth both in terms of power and money. Corrupt fascist scum the lot of them.
But we desperately need the BNP to have at least 10 MEPs so we can put a spanner in the works. 1 or 2 won't be enough. The EUSSR commissars know this all too well hence why we're now seeing nationalist parties - especially the BNP and the Vlaams Belang - being hounded and persecuted for daring to oppose the EUSSR dictators. There is more of this, much worse I suspect, to come before these sham elections take place.
Some people should hang for the evil crimes they have committed against our nation and our people and it is a day I dearly hope I will see.
What a nest of vipers and vile criminals are spawning like diseased bacteria within the foul dictatorship that goes under the benign guise of the European Union, and what has happened to OUR society when we are told and ACCEPT that the truth is no defence.
Are we seeing the end times of first world democracy, or what we thought has passed as a democracy all these years..
Always nice to see a friendly face come on board. Welcome, Jack. Hope to see more stuff from you.
Sorry to disappoint you Fyrdist old friend but Jack is sadly not onboard.
We agreed to disagree some time ago but the guys usually hits the nail on the head and I know he would not object to me posting his work in the greater good and vice versa.
Right Jack?
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why it is absolutely CRITICAL that we have BNP MEPs elected. It will be so much harder for them to arrest and persecute nationalists when they are elected representatives of the people - effectively they would be arresting and persecuting the opposition.
This is a very serious threat to freedom of speech, democracy and our freedom.
I know we are the converted and we have either got to step up our campaign or we will risk nationalists doing hard time for speaking out.
Who would ever thought it would happen in The UK. God Bless us all.
Proud to be BNP
José Manuel Durão Barroso is a former hardline marxist who later became a “social democrat”.
In this photo, taken in a far left demonstration in 1975, in Lisbon, Barroso is the one on the right, looking to his shoes.
Some posters of the party Barroso belonged to, the MRPP (Portuguese Proletarian Reorganizational Movement).
He left this far left party in 1977.
There is a video of him, with english subtitles, talking leftist nonsense, in Lisbon, in 1975
Great stuff, Maria. Thanks for that very valuable info.
As soon as I saw the quote in the box, from the press conference about "racism and zenophobia having no place in Europe I remembered this important interview with and speech by former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky. Please read and circulate.
GA asked:
"Right Jack"?
But of course.
I keep meaning to put Liars, Buggers and Thieves on my Home Page but I forget. I'd better do it now whilst it's on my mind.
It never crossed my mind to ask GA whether it would be OK to do so. I think we both take each other contentedly for granted. We may wag our the odd finger in the other's direction now and again but, hey, we're English curmudgeons, it's what we do.
Anyway, GA, do take what strikes your fancy whenever it suits. No accreditaion necessary. It's the dissemination of the info that counts.
All the best and top marks for all the very good work.
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