So have you made any New Years Resolutions yet?
In bed at at 22:00. Read one paragraph of when to make a "stealing the steal" move in Texas Hold'em No Limit and then out like a light, with the light still burning... I never have problems falling asleep.
Click - and I am fully awake at 0400 the next day(today), so might as well get up and do some work and rest assured it can be hard, boring, tiring work. The novelty of blogging wore of a long time ago.
Quickly I respond to some emails(note to self. Update The Fallen List) and then scan the Green Arrow Forums last 40 posts whilst responding to private messages on a range of subjects that must remain private.
Bobby has posted one of Sarah's articles. Good. Mister Fox as posted a ray of hope about a Social Worker who was discovered to be a BNP member. Lots of good posts but too much to read just now. I will return later.
I feel a twinge of guilt for not spending enough time on the Forum and am thankful for the tight Band of Brothers that make it run without me. It continues to grow in membership and the bonding of the forum members is brilliant to see and I am totally confident that it will be around for a long long time.
A quick check over on Stormfront to see that as I expected, I have now been banned forever. This is not unexpected and in a way I am very pleased. It saved me having to make a decision. I will write about that in the next article which you will probably read first, such is the way blogging works.
Off to the British National Party website and have a quick check and see that despite their pre Christmas statement about closing down over the holiday period they are still distributing the truth. Those guys are workaholics and whoever they are, we should be proud of their determination, patriotism and efforts.
Flip to the UKTabloid site and see an article posted about how Stalin, probably the greatest mass murderer ever, as been voted as being the third greatest Russian Ever.
Russian Human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov said: ‘The younger generation is fed with myths about Stalin.Depressing stuff and shows what happens and what is happening in Our Country when the state controls the Press and Education System. Control the present and you control both the past the and the future. Like I said, depressing for lovers of the truth.
‘It knows nothing about the millions who died in Gulag camps but well knows he was a strong leader who defeated Germany’.
06:00 and time to write something. But what? There is not a reader of this blog and other Nationalist sites who is not aware of the dire straits Our Country and Our People are now in.
I could write something on a range of subjects readers have suggested but my heart is not in it today. I am building myself up mentally for the New Year and our offensive against Our Enemies.
So I think back to last year when I made no New Years Resolutions and so I make a mental list of some for this year.
There is the traditional give up smoking. For some reason back last year, I started again after giving it up for eight years. Why I have no idea. Maybe I will maybe I won't.
One about personal relationships and then I see where my mind as been taking me without me even knowing. Next years Euro Elections and I make my real resolutions.
I intend to work as hard as humanely possible in promoting the British National Party wherever and whenever I can and by any means available.
No conversation to any person will not pass without me mentioning the BNP.
I will write, I will leaflet. I will sell papers and I will canvas until night falls and I go to bed and then I will get up and do it again.
I will attack, attack and attack organisations, political parties and individuals who are the enemies of our people no matter what price I must pay.
Then when Nick Griffin and other BNP comrades are elected, I intend to go find a quiet pub and get hammered.
So what are your resolutions for the New Year?
Messages to Readers
Councillor Kevin. I did not get your email. My address is
Anti-Zionist. Enough already with the articles:) I am now just rejecting them as they are off topic and there is little that you are posting that I do not already know about. I do my duty my way.
Congratulations on getting booted off Stormfront. I also have been "banned". Their moderators seem to be nasty little tyrants whom I would not wish to put my faith in, for a better future society.
Well, if they want to be a forum for the chaff, they are welcome to it. I am glad to be the wheat.
Keep up your great website, GA. I may not always agree on everything you say, although I often do, but it is always informative, a nice anti dote to the mass media bilge, and people are given a fair chance to express their views, too.
Happy New Year.
Anon: Yes I should really reveal the truth about Stormfront and will tomorrow if I get a chance.
I am sure I am wrong about quite a few things but so long as we are broadly in agreement we advance our common cause.
Feel free to email me and let me know what it is you disagree with and why. I am always curious and would never betray a private correspondence. On that you have my word.
Anon: Yes I should really reveal the truth about Stormfront and will tomorrow if I get a chance.
I would find that interesting GA!
I have already made my new years resolution. I am going to work a million times harder in 2009 for the cause (BNP)
I am a regular reader of the green arrow, UK tabloid and the BNP web site. I would like to thank you green arrow for all the hard work you have put in thoughout the year. After reading all the doom and gloom this government dishes out it is a real comfort knowing you are out there so from me to you a huge thank you.
All the best for 2009
A dying 101-year-old war hero was sent home from hospital by taxi wearing only a nappy and a set of ill-fitting pyjamas.
Brigadier John Platt, who won the Distinguished Service Order for his bravery in battle, was left ‘degraded and humiliated’ by his treatment by Salisbury District Hospital, his family say.
Brig Platt had spend five days on a mixed-sex ward during which his hearing aid was stepped on and crushed, his false teeth went missing and his soiled pyjamas were piled up in a locker by his bed for the duration.
He was unable to feed himself and was discharged in an incontinent and confused state, clutching a bag of his dirty clothes.
Brig Platt, who took part in one of the fiercest battles of the Italian campaign during the Second World War, died several days after his hour-long journey home to Morpeth, in Northumberland.
His daughter-in-law Amanda described his treatment as ‘disgraceful’. "
Good job he wasn't a serving soldier or the hospital Muzzies would have given him a really hard time.
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