Pigs and Pieces
Now I must confess that I was not overly keen on the original Punish the Pigs video. Not sure why, but it just did not float my boat, so I was pleased when I found the above version that was created by xrw5000x. Not sure what he changed altogether but it works for me now. If you like it also then click here, rate and leave a comment for our good friend Bertie Bert.Also thought you might like to see the viewing stats for the Home of the Green Arrow and Friends for the last five months. Not bad for a site that the reds said had no readership and would not last a week.
I try not to look at stats too often as they fluctuated over the course of month with peaks and troughs. When they are up I worry about them going down and when they are down I wonder how I can get them up. Best not look and just keep doing what it is that makes people want to come back and be informed and hopefully entertained for a few minutes each day.
As usual, the site welcomes articles on all subjects and does not worry too much about the format or the grammar, spelling, etc, so give it a go. I have read some truly great comments left here and often wonder why the writers of them just do not turn them into articles and send them in.
I also look forward to receiving emails with links to information and news that you are interested in. Keep them coming also please. Something else you can do is drop links of to this site wherever you can.
Now some news about the unofficial British National Party chat room on chatroll. Back last week we had several attacks on the room by red shite who were alarmed at the speed at which information was being passed between activists and supporters. After taking some stick, we out manouevered them and finally saw them off.
If you are a member or supporter of the BNP, then you really should drop in and have a chat with like minded people. If you are curious about the BNP, then find out from the horses mouth. Call in and ask your questions. Of course if you are rude then you will be asked to leave.
Come and talk to us now by following this link. Please register on arrival. Takes 5 seconds.