Someone remind me what the rate of inflation is again ?
I wish I could demand the same increase in my hourly rate.
by johnofgwent
Well, acording to Alistair "£1400 to pay someone to fill my tax return in for me", Darling, pensioners are getting a good deal this year, with their pensions guaranteed to exceed the rate of inflation. Well give or take £700 or so.
But before they start dancing in the street maybe they should take a look at the bills from what used to be a "utility company" but is now a "ripoff merchant".
Would someone please explain why my water bill rose by 8.23% last year and why it rose by 5.42% this ?
But I warn you. One use of the phrase "European Directive On Water Quality" earns you a six foot skewer run through you from arse to mouth followed by a roasting alive over the Caerleon Usk Bridge as the tide starts to ebb - so the grease that runs off you will float down the severn and pollute Peter Hain's drains on the next incoming tide.
But before they start dancing in the street maybe they should take a look at the bills from what used to be a "utility company" but is now a "ripoff merchant".
Would someone please explain why my water bill rose by 8.23% last year and why it rose by 5.42% this ?
But I warn you. One use of the phrase "European Directive On Water Quality" earns you a six foot skewer run through you from arse to mouth followed by a roasting alive over the Caerleon Usk Bridge as the tide starts to ebb - so the grease that runs off you will float down the severn and pollute Peter Hain's drains on the next incoming tide.