Jenny behind the enemy lines
TV's Channel 4 news referred to “Scuffles” but from the film they showed, it seemed a little rougher than that, however, the police appear to be doing their job for once, and so far 19 Unite against Freedom thugletts have been arrested. Channel 4 also interviewed veteran black UAF bullyboy Weyman Bennett (who as this clip demonstrates, has a lot in common with the Telegraph ). Bennett, who appeared to be marching in the company of various other non-white “protesters”, announced a obediently on-message Channel 4 reporter, called Jenny, that they had “come to show the BNP what Britain had become, and that they had better learn to live with it”.
He spoke like a rapist mocking his victim with the grim reality of what he had done to her, and that she had better learn to live with it. One can only imagine the reaction had a white South African made such a comment, but such irony was lost on the bland and brainwashed Jenny.
Jenny later visited the Red White and Blue festival and interviewed Nick Griffin. I am unclear how long the actual interview was, however, the only fragment of the interview broadcast was when Jenny claimed that a number of BNP supporters had appeared reluctant to be filmed, and enquired if that was because they were “ashamed to be associated with the BNP's racist views”. As a consummate politician, Nick resisted suggesting that some people might not wish to be filmed in case they were beaten up by the thugs whom Jenny had been sympathetically interviewing earlier, and chose rather to laugh in the silly cow's face.
Later Jenny, who appeared by that stage to imagine herself some sort of Charlotte Gray character, was asked to leave, presumably after further attempts to film BNP member's and their families, and was escorted from the area muttering sinisterly and suggesting that the BNP must have something to hide.
One of the events Jenny's film crew were briefly able to film. And which she and others in the fourth estate will no doubt suggest the BNP were trying to hide involved a set of stocks in which various volunteers wearing masks depicting characters ranging from politicians to Osama bin Laden were placed so that party goers could throw wet sponges at them.
One of the sponge targets appeared to be representing Barrack Obama, a fact which will no doubt cause outrage amongst the chattering classes, given the all but beatified status of the 44th American president. However, hypocrites to a man (and woman) as they “tut” and suck air through their teeth in order to signify their moral superiority, not one of them will pause to think of how many online shoes they chucked at a ducking representation of the 43rd President.
I am sure that those BNP members attending the Red White and Blue festival had a great time, however, I am equally sure they appreciate that, despite the success in June, they still have a long way to clime, and it will be some time before the brainwashed Jennies in the media give them an honest or fair press.